Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


EMF Protection: The Truth About EMF

By Ed Jones | August 27, 2020
electrical tower

Have you heard the term ‘EMF’ in recent news? It’s likely that you have but you may have questions. Like, what is it? And, how does it affect me? No fear, because we’re here to break it down for you and give you an EMF protection plan.   What is EMF? Electromagnetic Fields, or EMF,…

Testosterone: A Decline in Hormone Levels & What You Can Do About It

By Ed Jones | August 14, 2020
man standing alone

Did you know that the average testosterone levels of men today are at least 17% less than two decades ago? This decline has had a negative effect on a large percentage of our male population. Why? Lifestyle habits have changed. We’ll dive into these habits a bit deeper in a moment. But, first, what is…

Gardening in Times of Unrest

By Nutrition World | July 31, 2020

Many of us have found new hobbies or interests during the quarantine. For us, we built an organic garden at our house. It kept our hands busy during a time when our minds could have wandered into a state of fear and anxiety. Nevermind the satisfaction of producing something from nothing. It provided a place…

Gut Health Test Results: How to Make Sure You Have a Healthy Gut

By Nutrition World | July 16, 2020
bottle of solaray probiotics

You’ve heard us talk about the importance of a healthy gut for a long time. And, we’re not the only ones talking about it. Research shows that many areas are linked to intestinal health. Depression. Anxiety. IBS. Energy levels. Immune function. And so many others. The human microbiome is so complex. And it interacts with…

Creatine: A Supplement Superpower

By Adam Chauncey, CHC | July 8, 2020
supplement powder

Whether you’re an athlete or not, you’ve likely heard of creatine. Unfortunately, for many years it has been subject to unsubstantiated claims. Most revolving around fear and danger. But, creatine is a supplement superpower! We’ve brought you the latest research because it’s time to set the record straight on creatine.   Should I Take Creatine?…

Self Care for Moms

By Amanda Ballard | June 26, 2020
mom and baby looking at each other lovingly

When you hear “self care for moms,” you might be thinking that it sounds impossible. As a mom, life can feel like a constant to-do list. Wake up. Change diapers. Get kids dressed for school. Feed them. Do mountains of laundry. Drive them to practice. Do homework. Make sure they take a bath. Get to…

How to Lose Weight: “Quarantine 15” Edition

By Ed Jones | June 15, 2020
weight loss

How has quarantine affected you? Whether emotional or physical, quarantine has left many people feeling a bit off. In the physical aspect, one of the most common complaints I’ve heard relates to unwanted weight gain. Or a feeling of increased flabbiness in the body. If this applies to you, know you’re not alone.   I…

Protein Powder for Everybody

By Nutrition World | June 9, 2020
protein smoothie

What comes to mind when you think of protein powder? Maybe you think it’s only for bodybuilders who are trying to increase muscle mass. Or maybe you think it’s for the elderly who are trying to maintain their weight. But, protein powders are a great addition to anyone’s diet!   Protein powder hasn’t always resonated…

Breastfeeding: Tips & Tricks for Natural Lactation Support

By Cady Kuhlman | May 25, 2020
mom and baby lactation support

Becoming a mama is the greatest journey of your entire life. It can be both joyous and utter chaos at the same time. And, if you choose to breastfeed your baby, it can be an even bigger emotional roller coaster. Will your baby latch? Will your milk supply be enough? What if the baby has…

Probiotics for Immune Health

By Adam Chauncey, CHC | May 5, 2020
bottle of solaray probiotics

Did you know that around 70% of our immune system lives in the lining of our intestinal tract? 70%! That means our immune system operates at optimal function when our gut is healthy. So, how do we balance our gut? Probiotics.   Many of us have taken probiotics supplements at one time or another with…


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