When you hear “self care for moms,” you might be thinking that it sounds impossible. As a mom, life can feel like a constant to-do list. Wake up. Change diapers. Get kids dressed for school. Feed them. Do mountains of laundry. Drive them to practice. Do homework. Make sure they take a bath. Get to bed at a decent hour. Basic survival alone is tough.
Then add the pressure from social media to make peanut butter sandwiches into the shape of a butterfly. Don’t let your kids watch too much TV or they won’t develop properly. Do all sorts of arts and crafts. Make sure your kids are eating perfectly.
It can be completely overwhelming.
Moms have a tendency to put the needs of everyone else before their own. Though this is incredibly noble and kind, it can be completely draining. But, this is where self care comes in.
As a mom of four young children (all under the age of 5), I have learned some tips along the way for how to make sure I don’t lose my mind. And, it starts with taking care of myself so that I can be able to mentally face any day with my kids. We believe self care for moms is so important, we’ve rounded up some of the best tips for you!
Are you a new mom who needs some breastfeeding advice? Click here to read Breastfeeding: Tips & Tricks for Natural Lactation Support.
Self Care Tip #1: Make Time for Yourself
I know this sounds unrealistic and sometimes impossible to do, but it’s a must. Even if it’s 30 minutes a day or a larger chunk of time once a week, be intentional about making this time. Schedule it and be consistent!
Talk to your partner about how they can support you in this. If you’re a single mom, ask friends, relatives or even hire a sitter to help if you can. If you don’t have a support system, wake up early or stay up a little later to ensure you have time to yourself.
No matter what, even if you don’t do anything but sit alone in silence, make time for yourself. You need to create some margin in your life where you aren’t feeling pressure to take care of people all day.
Self Care Tip #2: Find What Brings You Mental Peace
After you have your alone time built into your schedule, do what brings you mental peace. Whatever hobby or activity that may be, or maybe multiple activities, do them!
For some it’s reading a book and drinking coffee that’s actually hot. Take a long, hot bath with a toxin-free bath bomb. Go walk every aisle at Target. Get a pedicure or a massage. Go sit outside in a hammock. Take a nap. Go to the gym. Whatever it is that brings you peace and sets you up to tackle that day or week, do it.
Self Care Tip #3: Move Your Body
Exercising releases endorphins and increases oxytocin levels in the body. The same happy hormones that are released when you hug or kiss someone, and the hormone you released when your baby was born, is the same hormone that’s released when you exercise.
By increasing oxytocin levels, you naturally lower stress and anxiety levels. It also can increase empathy-like behaviors. What mom doesn’t need those?
Exercise is my preferred method of self-care. I have always enjoyed exercising and knew this was a way I could get time alone plus do something to positively impact my physical and mental health.
My husband and I made a plan with our schedules so that I can go to the gym 3 times a week. I wake up before my kids, go to the gym for an hour, and am back just as the kids are waking up for the morning. He helps them get ready for the day while I get ready for work. It’s worked so well for our family.
I’m not saying you need to go to the gym multiple times a week. But I would encourage you to move your body each day. Even if all you do is have a dance party with your kids or chase them around the yard. Any motion is great for your mental state.
Self Care Tip#4: Support Your Adrenals
I discovered that after each kid I had, my adrenal glands weren’t functioning very well. My ability to handle stress dropped pretty quickly. I was moody, irritable, and knew that I needed to address this internally as well as externally. I started this incredible adrenal formula from Life Seasons and I truly notice a difference in my mental state. There are many great adrenal support supplements but this is my personal favorite.
Self Care Tip #5: Find a Listening Ear
Mom life is hard. It’s important to surround yourself with other people that are able to hear you out and let you process your motherhood journey. Everyone has a different story. Whether it be a friend, a group on social media, a licensed professional, or a health coach, there are so many people that are willing to listen and be supportive. Cady is one of our Wellness Consultants and she is a wonderful mom with lots of tips and tricks for any mom to have a healthy, happy life for her and the whole family.
Bonus Tip: Take care of your skin with clean and ethically sourced products in 4 easy steps.
Want to Learn More?
Still have questions about self care for moms? Reach out to us today to see how we can help you achieve optimal health and vitality. Our experts are here to help you live your best life.