Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


COVID-19: Nutritional Supplements Getting Attention

By Ed Jones / January 5, 2021 /

COVID-19…updates from the medical community on medical protocols and supplements we can use to fight it. I have known the amazing Dr. Melvin  with Partners in Care, LLC, for 25 years. I had the pleasure of interviewing her last week on my radio show, Vital Health Radio.  She provided us with some updates on medical…

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NAC Supplement products on nutrition world store shelves

NAC Supplement Benefits: Now Trending

By Ed Jones / December 19, 2020 /

When I was growing up, I always loved the story of Ponce de Leon. In 1513, he ventured across the oceans to find the fountain of youth. The closest thing to his fountain of youth is not found in St. Augustine, Florida. But you can find it in your lifestyle and nutrition.      My…

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B Vitamins and Your Genes

By Ed Jones / November 13, 2020 /

Do you ever think about how your genes impact your health? We may only think about our genes if a chronic disease runs in our family. But they can reveal much more than a likelihood of getting a disease. Sometimes when we experience less than optimal health, our genes can reveal a big part of…

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mask for feeling unwell

What Supplements Should I Take When Feeling Unwell?

By Ed Jones / September 15, 2020 /

Have you ever been caught off guard by sickness? The kind that seems to come out of nowhere? I recently went through this myself and know I’m not the only one who’s ever had this experience. If you’re not feeling well and wondering, “What supplements should I take?” then this article is just for you.…

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irish moss powder

Irish Moss: A New Product That You Need on Your Radar

By Cady Kuhlman / September 1, 2020 /

There’s a new product on the market that is getting a lot of attention right now–Irish Moss. This little species of red algae, also known as Chrondrus Crispus, grows on the rocky parts of the Atlantic Coast of Europe and North America. Its color can range from greenish-yellow to red, to almost a dark purple.…

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