What Supplements Should I Take When Feeling Unwell?

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Nutrition World > Immune Health > What Supplements Should I Take When Feeling Unwell?

Have you ever been caught off guard by sickness? The kind that seems to come out of nowhere? I recently went through this myself and know I’m not the only one who’s ever had this experience. If you’re not feeling well and wondering, “What supplements should I take?” then this article is just for you. I’m here to share which supplements help fight off sickness so that you can get back to living!

Feeling Unwell Day #1

On June 6, 2020, I awoke at midnight with a cough from hell. It came out of nowhere! We were on the first day of vacation near Daytona Beach, Florida. Of course, every symptom from a sniffle to a hangnail, we all assume the new “C-word” these days. I thought cancer was the most feared “C-word.” But now it has taken second place to the infamous new “C-virus.”
I’ve spent the last 42 years of my career studying how to support, nourish, and treat the human body with nutrition. It has always rescued me from anything severe related to my health. And, I have come to trust the healing power already residing within me. Research and experience show that supporting the lungs and immune system within 24 hours of feeling unwell reduces the risk of falling into any severe symptoms.   
So, I began my support nutrients immediately that night. Read on to find out which supplements you should include in your support arsenal.
Read more about natural lung support here.
I have come to trust the healing power already residing within me. Share on X

Feeling Unwell Days #2 – #3

The next day I felt tired and had zero appetite but still enjoyed my day at the beach. Yet, I did stay confined to the condo. Dinners were still tasty, as I love fresh seafood, despite lacking an appetite. On the second night, I coughed about 50% less. I continued my intense regimen of supplements. The goal, according to experts I trust, is to stop the immune system from going into overdrive and flooding the lungs with excess fluid. It actually is not the virus itself that is the main issue. It is our own immune system creating a storm.  
Day 3 brought me to zero cough, continued low appetite, and a leg bone ache at night. But, every day was still fun in the sun and ocean. I ran on the beach every single morning despite everything. Believe it or not, I didn’t think that this could be the virus due to my quick recovery. Especially since that has not been a similar experience of others. The condo we were staying in had recently been remodeled with all new furniture and paint. And I am sensitive to those chemicals, so that was my explanation of my symptoms.

One Week Later

Arriving in Chattanooga one week from my first symptom, I was fine except for the lowered appetite. I practiced all the safety precautions that were in place by local authorities at work and in the public and never thought another thing about it. No one close to me ever experienced any sickness during or after.    
About 8 weeks later, I spoke to our partners at BeWell4Ever Labs. She told me they added the latest antibody test to their offerings. I told her I wanted the test despite thinking it would most likely be negative. The lab called me two days later. They told me I was the first client from her testing that was positive for full antibodies to the virus! I was elated because my sincere belief all along was that a strong, healthy, nourished body will journey well through this virus.  
The CDC states the average person has at least 3 virus infections per year. This means almost 200 for me in my 63 years of life. Guess what? I survived every single one of them. And so have you if you are reading this and grasp the truth that your body did all the healing.

So, What Supplements Should I Take When Feeling Unwell?

Research is clear that proper levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin A, zinc, quercetin, NAC, and Vitamin C will allow for maintaining optimal levels of immune components. The second piece is maintaining a healthy weight and blood sugar in order to not fall into a high-risk level. The issue is that no mainstream experts or media utter a single word about the miracle of nutrition or the power of lifestyle habits when battling an illness. This information could save so many from poor outcomes. 
I want to express my deepest belief in “trusting the power of our bodies” during health challenges. But the secret to these positive outcomes is not only the trust of our body but also knowing how to awaken the amazing power for healing with nutrition. Please realize this detailed information is not known by conventional healthcare practitioners. Nor is it offered in the media.     
Nutrition World offers blood testing every last Friday of the month from 8 am to 11 am. It includes panels for everything someone would desire tested. I believe in the power of Vitamin D to support our defenses and immune system. And the ONLY way to know if it is over 50ng/ml is through blood testing! Magic happens to our health when our Vitamin D is between 50ng/ml and 80ng/ml! Also, we’re very excited about the news that now everyone who believes they may have been exposed to the virus can receive the antibody test. For September, the antibody test is only $75.00. Keep in mind that even if we lose the antibodies with time, we still have a potential layer of protection within the immune system. For more information on our blood testing click here

Other Resources

One of the most concise and trusted information sources to learn how nutrients affect the outcome of our immune system is Dr. Mercola. He has a site dedicated to this knowledge. And I encourage you to read it before you need it and share it with everyone who has an open mind. Also, is a short recording from Dr. Mike Smith, Medical Director of Life Extension Foundation. Dr. Smith’s advice is exactly what I followed. Including an over the counter drug that NO ONE seems to know. It is so safe yet can turbocharge the immune system!
To read more about Dr. Smith’s antiviral regimen, Vitamin D, and other amazing tips for fighting viral infections, click here.
Nothing said in this article is meant as treatment of any disease. Please check with your healthcare professional if you have medical issues.

Want to Learn More about Supplements That Fight Illness?

Now you no longer have to wonder what supplements to take when feeling unwell. But, if you still have questions about the information shared in this article, please reach out to us today to see how we can help you achieve optimal health and vitality. Our experts are here to help you live your best life. 
If you want even more, schedule a wellness consultation now. We can consult with you online!
We also offer the convenience of online shopping. Products can be shipped directly to your home.
Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol