Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.

whey protein scoop

Whey Protein: Which Whey Is Best?

By Adam Chauncey, CHC / July 6, 2021 /

Atkins, Slim Fast, Muscle Milk, Lean Body, Premier, MetRX, Weider, the list goes on. Since gaining popularity with Joe Weider’s shakes in the 60s and 70s, whey protein has been a staple in the foundation of almost every athlete’s nutritional program. But why is this? What makes whey so special? And better yet, what is…

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How to Detox & Why It’s More Important Than You Think

By Ed Jones / April 23, 2021 /

When I say detox, what comes to mind? Some of you might be cringing right now. That’s okay. We’re here to break it down and tell you about how it’s so much more than going to the bathroom. First, let’s define detox, and then we’ll go from there. The dictionary defines detox as a process…

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The Six Proven Natural Remedies for Spring Allergy Relief

By Amanda Ballard / March 4, 2021 /

Ah, spring time. It’s warming up outside. The days are getting longer. The birds are singing. The trees and flowers are blooming.  This is all great until your allergies start flaring up.  Allergy Relief For some, seasonal allergies can be a minor inconvenience. On the other hand, others experience serious discomfort and dread. If you…

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Lady's gut area with her hands in the shape of a heart over it

Raw Enzymes: Breaking Down the Secret to Your Best Digestion

By Ed Jones / February 23, 2021 /

The Magic of Raw Enzymes? I have a wonderful friend who recently started making raw vegetable drinks daily.  I was speaking to her about the magic of  “raw enzymes.” You can find raw enzymes in non-heated, fresh juices and the importance of these enzymes to our health.  Sometimes I assume everyone understands the concepts of…

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The Miracle Healing Powers of One Super Supplement: Black Seed Oil

By Nutrition World / February 12, 2021 / Comments Off on The Miracle Healing Powers of One Super Supplement: Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil. I never cease to be amazed at the magic found within plants and herbs of the earth for our healing. It is actually profound in the sense of wonder I experience as I witness what natural remedies are capable of accomplishing with not only effectiveness but with minimal side effects. Just when…

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