Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


Workout Supplements: Our Favorite Sports Nutrition Products

By Adam Chauncey, CHC / September 15, 2021 /

Workout supplements. There are so many options out there it can be overwhelming! But, don’t worry. You have access to a sports nutrition nerd who can guide you to the best products on the market. Yes, I am that nerd. I’m passionate about educating people on the power of sports nutrition and how the workout…

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Amla: An Antioxidant Rich Food You’ve Never Heard Of

By Amanda Ballard / September 9, 2021 / Comments Off on Amla: An Antioxidant Rich Food You’ve Never Heard Of

  Amla is a really exciting nutrient. It’s sourced from a fruit called Indian gooseberry and is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine and Indian cuisine. The fruit themselves resemble and underripe grape and taste like them too. They’re described as sour and bitter, but the health benefits from these golf ball sized fruits are pretty…

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Olive Leaf Extract: An Herbal Powerhouse

By Amanda Ballard / September 3, 2021 / Comments Off on Olive Leaf Extract: An Herbal Powerhouse

  Beyond the pandemic, we have our fair share of illness cut out for us in the months ahead. Colder weather means more time indoors. More time indoors means less air circulation and less sunlight. You know the drill. We’re trying to be optimistic here, but more often than not the winter months mean increased…

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Turmeric: One of Nature’s Most Powerful Gifts

By Ed Jones / August 30, 2021 /

Headlines everywhere tout the benefits of the natural botanical herb Turmeric.   It is a functional food, or superfood. These are foods that go beyond their nutrient or caloric content. And are used for a specific health purpose. Turmeric is one of the many superfoods used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine to…

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vitamin d supplement in someone's hand looking at the sun

Vitamin D Deficiency: An Ignored Pandemic

By Ed Jones / August 6, 2021 /

What if I told you that the daily use of sunshine or a simple supplement could add years to your life? And life to your years? I have been a seeker of the answers to health for my entire adult life. Sharing what I’ve discovered and learned about nutrition has been a blessing for me.…

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