Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.

Day 5 No more conjunctivitis

Can Colloidal Silver Relieve Conjunctivitis?

By Tina Smith / July 7, 2023 /

Colloidal Silver drops cleared up my pink eye (conjunctivitis) in 4 days flat. Can your antibiotic eye drops do that? Note from Ed Jones, Owner of Nutrition World: Homemade silver is totally not an acceptable or safe product as the silver molecules clump together and produce large chunks of silver rather than staying in solution. …

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blood chemistry results

Blood Chemistry for Weight Loss

By Ed Jones / June 28, 2023 /

What if we could get weight loss right as we age by optimizing our blood chemistry? If I had a dollar for every time I heard, “I’ve been eating so well, go to the gym 6 days a week, I’m addressing every component I can think of, and I have not lost a pound! AND…

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Natural Prep For Double Hip Replacement: How Ed Prepared

By Brian Strickland / April 28, 2023 / Comments Off on Natural Prep For Double Hip Replacement: How Ed Prepared

Natural Prep For Double Hip Replacement Sometimes our bodies need a little intervention, including surgery. The road to recovery after surgery can be extensive, butt here are things we can do to help prepare our bodies for the best results. Ed had double hip replacement surgery this week, but he wanted to share a few…

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Three steps to natural allergy relief

By Brian Strickland / March 23, 2023 / Comments Off on Three steps to natural allergy relief

Natural Allergy Relief   Spring is officially here and along with the warmer weather comes a host of allergens. If you find yourself lucky enough to live somewhere like the Tennessee Valley, even people who aren’t typically bothered by seasonal allergies often find themselves nursing allergy symptoms. There are, of course, plenty of OTC pharmaceuticals…

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vitamin d on beach

Vitamin D: Vitamin or Hormone?

By Ed Jones / February 17, 2023 /

Is Vitamin D a nutrient or could it treat many of our health issues? Vitamin D stands out from all other nutraceuticals because it is one of the very few vitamins that the body is able to produce on its own given the right conditions. Of course the correct condition is only when healthy skin…

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