Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


Blood Chemistry for Weight Loss

By Ed Jones | June 28, 2023
blood chemistry results

What if we could get weight loss right as we age by optimizing our blood chemistry? If I had a dollar for every time I heard, “I’ve been eating so well, go to the gym 6 days a week, I’m addressing every component I can think of, and I have not lost a pound! AND…

Oxalates: Eliminate High Levels to Achieve Life Changing Results

By Ed Jones | June 5, 2023
foods high in oxalates

I’ve heard the word Oxalate enough times for me to take action to learn all I could about its effects on health. Not only for my clients but in my own personal journey. Oxalates were discovered in the 1800s. Yet, it has all but disappeared from the literature on health and disease.   Synchronicity: “Experiences…

Is WHO Right About Stevia and Other Non-Nutritive Sweeteners?

By Ed Jones | May 30, 2023
sugars and other non-nutritive sweeteners and sugar alternatives

The World Health Organization advises not to use non-nutritive sweeteners for weight control. Specifically, their statement says: Non-Sugar sweeteners should not be used nor expected to assist in weight loss. In fact clinical studies link their use to actually increased risk of new-onset obesity, cardiovascular disease, mortality and preterm labor according to the World Health…

Pea Protein: Plant-Based and Better Than Whey? Maybe…

By Ed Jones | May 24, 2023
yellow peas turned into pea protein powder

Is Pea Protein the cleanest, most bioavailable plant-based protein? Maybe… If you follow healthful eating advocates, you’ve probably heard of The Food Babe, Vani Hari. She’s known for prompting major food chains and manufacturers to remove harmful ingredients from their menus. Can you say Chipotle, Subway, General Mills, and more? But you might not know…

How Much Omega 3 Should you Take per day

By Ed Jones | April 28, 2023
omega 3 supplements on a table

How much Omega 3 for optimal health… I have witnessed profound effects of nutritional therapies on health over my 4 decades of life. Thus, I have cultivated a deep gratitude for the power to radically change our health for the positive if embraced wisely.   Research shows again and again, Omega 3s prove one of the…

Your Vitamin D Levels Are Normal, But Are they Optimal?

By Ed Jones | April 20, 2023
Blood Test Vitamin D Levels

Did you know blood test results for things like vitamin D and ferritin levels can be normal, but not healthy? If you’ve ever had normal lab results but still FEEL lousy, this article is for you!  Here’s what we’ll discuss: Normal Vitamin D Levels: Good Enough? Optimal Ranges: A Better Way Why Are Vitamin D…

Is Theanine the Best Supplement to Calm an Anxious Mind?

By Ed Jones | April 12, 2023
lady feeling calm

Theanine calms the mind without making you sleepy, within an hour of taking the right dosage. That’s a big statement. And yet, our experience and research says it’s true! Here’s what we know about taking an L-theanine supplement… In my pursuit of options to calm my mind, one of my heroes over the past decade…

What Does the Omega 3 Index tell us About our Mortality Risk?

By Ed Jones | April 3, 2023
foods full of mega 3s like salmon olives avocado and more

“The omega 3 index is a better predictor of health and a better predictor of mortality risk than cholesterol.” Most people want to understand their risk of mortality, especially as they age. Health providers usually point us to cholesterol tests. And yet, one underutilized test give us a better idea of our mortality risk. The…

Can you Naturally Increase Your Collagen Production as you Age?

By Tina Smith | March 20, 2023
woman looking at skin in mirror

Collagen production decreases by 1% each year after you reach age 21. What a horrible way to start an article! That’s the bad news. Here’s the good… You can help your body produce more collagen naturally, even as you age. Let’s dig in to how that works. Table of Contents – Click to the Section…

Erythritol: Healthy or Increased Risk of Heart Attacks?

By Ed Jones | March 13, 2023
bowl of erythritol on table

Does Erythritol increase heart attacks? If you read the headlines lately, you’re probably thinking – yes! I’ve seen the natural sweetener erythritol recently linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death. I knew immediately, we’d have a flurry of comments and concerns around this popular, calorie-free sweetener. Many health foods, protein drinks,…


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