The Top 5 CBD Myths Explained

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There is a lot of misinformation out there about CBD and hemp products. The market is now flooded with CBD stores. You can even buy it in gas stations! But, not all CBD is created equal. As always, we dedicate ourselves to researching everything holistic health so you can be informed. That’s why we’re here to break down the top 5 myths about CBD so you can stop wasting money on products that don’t work. 

Myth #1: All CBD Is Effective

CBD is made up of over a hundred compounds called cannabinoids. Think of an orchestra for a moment. An orchestra consists of hundreds of instruments that all produce beautiful music. In the same way, cannabinoids make up CBD. But, instead of resulting in beautiful music, the result is optimal health.  
CBD comes from a plant that grows in the ground called hemp. The cannabinoids vary based on the type of hemp, soil, weather, location and harvesting conditions. This is why not all CBDs are effective.   
Take home point #1:
Find an experienced individual who understands CBD. They will be able to point you in the wise direction when it comes to choosing your brand. Also, understand that certain cannabinoids are far more effective for certain health needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all product. For example, I use one brand for sleep and anxiety, another brand for pain, and a third brand for my brain function! Many individuals have tried CBD and did not find results so they assume CBD is not effective. But, the devil is in the details when it comes to your success with CBD. It may be that you need to try a different brand to experience the results you’re after.  

Myth #2: The Dose on the Bottle Is What You Should Follow

I’ve heard at least one thousand stories from users of CBD over the years. These stories have proven to me the fallacy of generalized dosage recommendations. The experts that I trust believe one simple concept about CBD dosage. And that is CBD results are best achieved when you find your “sweet spot.” Meaning, everyone responds differently to the effects of CBD’s cannabinoids within their body. So, your dosage may look different than mine. CBD has one of the most interesting bell curve aspects of any botanical I have seen in my career.
Take home point #2:
Start slow and work up when it comes to finding the right dose. Unless someone is in a panic state with pain or anxiety, I generally recommend starting with half the recommended dosage 2 to 3 times daily. Hold in your mouth for 30 seconds for absorption and then swallow. Give this regimen several days to a week to see if you notice any effect. At that point, if results are not attained, go to the recommended dosage on the bottle. Again, adhere to this regimen for up to a week as you evaluate the response in your body and mind. If at this point I have not seen value in the product, I will double the recommended dosage for another week. Somewhere in this schedule of taking CBD, if it is the correctly chosen quality product for you, results should be seen. The odd thing about CBD is that the longer you use CBD the less you have to consume to see results. This is the complete opposite of drugs.

Myth #3: CBD Will Not Make You Test Positive for THC

This is a gigantic myth! THC is what is found in marijuana. When a company or the police want to test you to see if you have been consuming or smoking marijuana, THC is the compound they search for in your blood. CBD is derived from the hemp plant and not from straight marijuana plants yet both share THC. The legal limit in this country has been set for .03 THC in CBD products. But the dirty secret is that even this small amount of THC in your blood can get you fired from a job, turned down for insurance or a myriad of other negative consequences in the crazy world of THC monitoring.  
Yes, there are certain brands or isolates that most likely would not cause you to test positive, but I would not trust their label claims. I have seen sad stories of THC positive individuals losing jobs despite the product ensuring no THC. Plus, isolates are not as effective nor a natural product.  
Take home point #3:
DO NOT take CBD if you are drug tested at work.   

Myth #4: CBD is All Natural and Free of Contaminants

The belief that the hemp plant is an all natural, virgin, uncompromised pure plant is an illusion. CBD can be grown to be as pure as a morning snowflake or contaminated with a plethora of nasty chemicals. The hemp plant is very resilient and strong in its ability to grow and produce CBD. But, it also has an affinity for taking within its structure as it grows many of the chemicals found in our soil. My biggest concern is the fact that heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead are easily transported from the soil to the CBD plant as it grows. The second worry I have is that pesticides and mold contaminate CBD very easily as the roots of the plant absorb contaminants just like water
Take home point #4:
Demand transparency from all companies that market CBD. This does not mean believing the label claims. This requires either having someone who is a trusted “gatekeeper” that has done the homework for you, like Nutrition World, or contacting the company directly and demand lab analysis of the batch you are purchasing that ensures very low or no contaminants.   

Myth #5: CBD Is Safe to Use with All Pharmaceuticals

The intensive research we have done at Nutrition World has taught us the opposite of this myth. Fortunately, the vast majority of drug/CBD interactions are of little concern but not all. I, nor anyone, can list all the possible considerations because we are still learning about them. But the best advice I have received was from the owner of Hill City Hemp. If someone is prescribed a drug that states on the label or insert that grapefruit juice should not be mixed with the prescription then this should also apply to CBD. The reason is that there is a detox system within the liver referred to as P450. When this system is affected, it alters the blood levels of drugs. This is not desirable as it can cause the blood levels to be altered to unhealthy levels despite no change in the dosage. We know that CBD works within this P450 system and the experts I trust support this.  
Take home point #5:
Do not use CBD in conjunction with pharmaceuticals that advise to not mix with grapefruit juice.    
I must state that legally I cannot advise on this issue so consult with your healthcare practitioner if taking prescription medicines with CBD.     
We are now able to sell CBD online. So if you’d like to browse our selection of heavily vetted, clean, organic CBD, click here.

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Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol