Immune Supplements: Which Ones Make Sense for Your Family

little girl sneezing into tissue

Immune supplements. So many to choose from. But which ones make the most sense? For the last two years I’ve had kids get sick on Christmas Eve. If you’ve ever had a holiday or family gathering get canceled or postponed due to illness, then you know how disappointing it can be. As a mom, it’s…

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Allergies: Finding Natural Relief


Did you know that allergies affect some 30% of adults and 40% of children? Dust. Pollen. Pet dander. These harmless substances can send our immune systems into overdrive and make us feel miserable. More often than not, people reach for over the counter drugs to relieve their symptoms. But, those can have some pretty serious…

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The Six Proven Natural Remedies for Spring Allergy Relief

Ah, spring time. It’s warming up outside. The days are getting longer. The birds are singing. The trees and flowers are blooming.  This is all great until your allergies start flaring up.  Allergy Relief For some, seasonal allergies can be a minor inconvenience. On the other hand, others experience serious discomfort and dread. If you…

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COVID-19: Nutritional Supplements Getting Attention

COVID-19…updates from the medical community on medical protocols and supplements we can use to fight it. I have known the amazing Dr. Melvin  with Partners in Care, LLC, for 25 years. I had the pleasure of interviewing her last week on my radio show, Vital Health Radio.  She provided us with some updates on medical…

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What Supplements Should I Take When Feeling Unwell?

mask for feeling unwell

Have you ever been caught off guard by sickness? The kind that seems to come out of nowhere? I recently went through this myself and know I’m not the only one who’s ever had this experience. If you’re not feeling well and wondering, “What supplements should I take?” then this article is just for you.…

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