Revealing Pictures of Ed Jones’ Food Intake!

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Nutrition World > Blog > Revealing Pictures of Ed Jones’ Food Intake!

Every single day I speak to someone who is unclear how to eat healthy. Grandparents old fashioned wisdom on eating no longer speaks to us due to so many reasons such as lack of local grown foods, GMO’s, excessive pesticides, multiple opinions on what comprises healthy foods, etc.

Grandparents old fashioned wisdom on eating no longer speaks to us due to so many reasons such as lack of local grown foods, GMO’s, excessive pesticides, multiple opinions on what comprises healthy foods, etc.

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I have so many who ask me where and what I eat so I decided to make a picture food log of three days of all my meals. This can be viewed in 1 minutes.

I hope you find value in this and who knows you may find a new place to enjoy eating!

View Slideshow Below:



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