Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


Why kids need probiotics.

By Brian Strickland / August 18, 2022 / Comments Off on Why kids need probiotics.

  Let’s face it. Our kids eating habits can probably use some improvement. Kids are starving all the time and it’s just so easy to grab a packaged food and hand it over. Preparation takes time and energy, two things most parents don’t have. The lack of whole and fermented foods will eventually take a…

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Allergies: Finding Natural Relief

By Nutrition World / July 6, 2022 /

Did you know that allergies affect some 30% of adults and 40% of children? Dust. Pollen. Pet dander. These harmless substances can send our immune systems into overdrive and make us feel miserable. More often than not, people reach for over the counter drugs to relieve their symptoms. But, those can have some pretty serious…

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measuring tape for weight loss

Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose It & Keep It Off

By Adam Chauncey, CHC / January 27, 2021 /

We made it, gang. It’s finally 2021 and this year may be the year you have resolved to lose that weight! Unfortunately, some gyms are still closed or limited. And many folks are still concerned about their immune health and public interaction. This is understandable. And it’s exactly why I am going to share some…

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black and white photo of male with shoulder with chronic inflammation

3 Simple Tips to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

By Amanda Ballard / February 20, 2020 /

So many people suffer from chronic inflammation. And, if you’re one of those affected, you may be wondering if there are ways to prevent and combat it.   First, know that you’re not alone. Chronic inflammation is a major problem in our country and worldwide. And, it’s linked to pretty much every major health condition.…

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adding years to your health with fresh vegetables that give your body vitamin b

Histamine Intolerance: What it is, where it comes from, how to fix it.

By Courtney McMahan RD, LDN / December 18, 2018 / Comments Off on Histamine Intolerance: What it is, where it comes from, how to fix it.

Do you ever experience unexplained symptoms like a runny nose, nasal congestions, hives, flushing, migraines, wheezing, low blood pressure, heart skipping a beat, or any other symptom commonly associated with allergies? Typically, these symptoms can be linked to exposure to an allergen. But, for some, they seem to be inexplicable. When this is the case,…

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