Keto Diet: What You Need to Know to Achieve Results

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Nutrition World > Digestive Health > Keto Diet: What You Need to Know to Achieve Results

The keto diet has become one of the most popular diets in decades due to its success in so many areas of health and unlike most fad diets, it’s not going away. But what is the keto diet? Why would someone want to eat this way?

Cady and I recently held an informational teaching seminar on Ketosis to a large group. We received a significant amount of requests for further information for those who could not attend.

We are making this valuable content available for FREE.  Simple listen to the audio below, or if you prefer to listen on the go, click here, download the Podbean app, and subscribe to our podcasts.

In my 40 years of experience in health and nutrition, I have personally experienced the benefits of this lifestyle and have done copious amounts of research on the keto diet to understand all of its benefits. It is truly one of the most incredible ways of eating I have ever witnessed. Though keto has just recently become a trend, this diet has been in existence for almost 100 years, so it is time tested.

So, what is the keto diet?

It simply is training your body to burn fat instead of glucose from carbohydrates for your body’s energy. As your body begins to run low on stored carbohydrates, the liver will produce ketones as an additional fuel source for your body to burn.

Possible Benefits:

  • Reduced body fat
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Clear thinking
  • Sustained energy during the day
  • Minimal food cravings
  • Seizure minimization
  • Serious disease prevention

Because of all of the questions about keto and interest in it, Cady and I held a lecture to answer many of the questions people have about this diet. The lecture was an overwhelming success and we are planning to do more in the future. The good news is that you can now listen to our original lecture below. Hopefully, this will provide answers to many of the questions you have about keto and how to embrace it in your life.  

Please check our website at for events or Nutrition World’s Facebook page for our upcoming keto lectures.

Also, check out this article for the top 5 supplements that make the keto diet more effective!

As you listen to the above audio of the lecture, you can follow our powerpoint presentation below by clicking on the > button.

I want to offer everyone one of the most life-changing events ever to occur in health. 

Starting May 7th you will have a chance for a totally FREE online summit on the miracle of the potential power of Ketones.

The Keto Edge Summit has compiled a host of the countries most experienced experts to teach how to use Keto for burning body fat, reduce inflammation and show promise is so many of our most dreaded diseases.   This summit will feature 32 scientists, physicians, and health experts.   Do not miss this opportunity.

Learn More


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