Immune Supplements: Which Ones Make Sense for Your Family

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Immune supplements. So many to choose from. But which ones make the most sense?

For the last two years I’ve had kids get sick on Christmas Eve. If you’ve ever had a holiday or family gathering get canceled or postponed due to illness, then you know how disappointing it can be. As a mom, it’s especially heartbreaking to see your little ones miss out on the fun. This year I’m determined to change that streak! 

As I think back to what likely caused those illnesses, I feel like there were definitely things I could have done differently to decrease the likelihood of getting sick or being able to fight back harder. 

Every year, we all hear similar stories in the news about surges in seasonal illnesses, especially during the colder months. And while we can’t guarantee that we won’t get sick, we should try to prepare ourselves as best we can through diet, lifestyle, and key immune supplements. 

Why Immune Supplements Matter in Fall and Winter

Immune supplements play an important role in maintaining the body’s natural defenses, especially during seasons when we are more likely to be exposed to illnesses. During the fall and winter, colder temperatures, reduced sunlight, and increased indoor time can weaken our immune systems. Thus, making us more susceptible to getting sick. Not to mention, diets are often thrown out the window during the fall and winter months with all of the holidays. 

Since it’s incredibly difficult to get enough of the micronutrients we need through diet alone, we can take immune supplements to help bridge the gap. Arming ourselves with immune-boosting supplements can provide the support needed to stay healthy through these months. 

While immune supplements won’t prevent you from getting sick, they can give your immune system the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

The Power of Quercetin and Zinc

Quercetin and zinc combine powerfully when it comes to immune support. Quercetin has antioxidant properties and comes from plants. We find it in onions, grapes, berries, broccoli and citrus fruits (1).  It helps protect your body from free radicals, which can damage cells. Zinc boosts immune function, lowers inflammation, and is crucial for numerous processes in the body. Zinc is an essential nutrient which means your body doesn’t create it. AKA you must consume zinc through food or supplements (2). 

Mt. Angel Vitamins’ Quercetin Zinc combines both ingredients in one easy-to-take supplement. If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for a way to take great formulas to reduce the number of pills taken in a day. This immune supplement provides the right balance of antioxidants and immune support. When taken regularly, it helps your body stay prepared to fight off seasonal illnesses. 

Why Vitamin D is Essential in the Winter

When the temperature starts to drop, most of us like to stay nice and cozy inside. Therefore, we don’t get enough sunlight. This can lead to low levels of vitamin D, which plays an important role in immune health. 

Low vitamin D levels can weaken our immune systems, making us more susceptible to illness. In fact, studies showed that “Patients with a vitamin D deficiency were 14 times more likely to have a severe or critical case of COVID-19. Additionally, the mortality rate for those with insufficient vitamin D levels was 25.6%, compared with 2.3% among those with adequate levels.” (3)

That’s why it’s important to consider vitamin D supplements. If you don’t know what your vitamin D levels are, we highly recommend getting your levels checked at least once per year. As a matter of fact, we offer bloodwork right here at Nutrition World in Chattanooga, TN.

Vitamin D works by helping immune cells function properly. It supports a healthy inflammatory response and helps your body fend off infections. Mt. Angel Vitamins’ Everyday Liquid Sunshine is a great way to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D, especially if you’re not spending much time outdoors.

Taking a liquid form of vitamin D is an easy way to boost your levels. Just a few drops of this supplement can give your immune system the support it needs. 

Comprehensive Immune Support Formulas

While single nutrients work very well to support the immune system, sometimes taking a more comprehensive supplement formula is a great option. It’s not just about taking one or two vitamins—it’s about giving your body a range of nutrients that work together to support immune function. That’s where Mt. Angel Vitamins’ Cold Facts + D comes in.

This powerful formula blends vitamin D, garlic, elderberry, echinacea, and more. Each ingredient has been shown to support the immune system in different ways. For example, elderberry is packed with antioxidants, while echinacea has long been used to support the body’s natural defenses. Garlic has been used for centuries as an immune boosting ingredient. 

This supplement is designed to give your body all-around immune support, which is especially helpful during times of seasonal stress. Including a supplement like Cold Facts + D in your routine can support your body during the colder months.



bottle of mt angel quercetin and zinc

Try Mt Angel Quercetin and Zinc

Practical Tips for Immune Health

In addition to taking immune supplements, there are other steps you can take to stay healthy during fall and winter. Some practical tips include:

  1. Eat a balanced diet: Make sure you’re getting a diet rich in whole foods, which provide essential vitamins and minerals. Too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can be devastating to our immune system. Even when it’s hard around the holidays, be mindful of how many sweets you are eating and try to limit your intake. 
  2. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is important for keeping your immune system functioning properly. When we don’t feel as hot as we do in the summer months, it’s easy to think we’re more hydrated than we actually are. Be drinking lots of water and also consider adding electrolytes into your daily routine for an extra boost. 
  3. Get enough sleep: Your body needs rest to stay strong and fight off illness. Prioritize healthy sleep habits. Don’t know where to start? Check out this e-book.
  4. Exercise regularly: Even light exercise can help boost your immune system. Try to aim for at least 7,000 steps per day as well as consistent resistance training. 

Adding immune supplements to these healthy habits can help give you an extra layer of protection during the cold months.

Be Prepared This Fall and Winter

I know this year I am going to be especially mindful of the lifestyle habits me and my family have going into the holiday season. Prioritizing sleep, mindful eating, and hydration are the first things I want to address. And I will be sure to add immune boosting nutrients into the whole family’s routine to keep us as well as we can be. 

Staying healthy is always easier when you’re prepared. So, take steps now to support your immune system and make this fall and winter your healthiest yet!

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol