Raw Enzymes: Breaking Down the Secret to Your Best Digestion

Lady's gut area with her hands in the shape of a heart over it

The Magic of Raw Enzymes? I have a wonderful friend who recently started making raw vegetable drinks daily.  I was speaking to her about the magic of  “raw enzymes.” You can find raw enzymes in non-heated, fresh juices and the importance of these enzymes to our health.  Sometimes I assume everyone understands the concepts of…

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Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose It & Keep It Off

measuring tape for weight loss

We made it, gang. It’s finally 2021 and this year may be the year you have resolved to lose that weight! Unfortunately, some gyms are still closed or limited. And many folks are still concerned about their immune health and public interaction. This is understandable. And it’s exactly why I am going to share some…

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How to Lose Weight: “Quarantine 15” Edition

weight loss

How has quarantine affected you? Whether emotional or physical, quarantine has left many people feeling a bit off. In the physical aspect, one of the most common complaints I’ve heard relates to unwanted weight gain. Or a feeling of increased flabbiness in the body. If this applies to you, know you’re not alone.   I…

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Protein Powder for Everybody

protein smoothie

What comes to mind when you think of protein powder? Maybe you think it’s only for bodybuilders who are trying to increase muscle mass. Or maybe you think it’s for the elderly who are trying to maintain their weight. But, protein powders are a great addition to anyone’s diet!   Protein powder hasn’t always resonated…

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