The Six Proven Natural Remedies for Spring Allergy Relief

Ah, spring time. It’s warming up outside. The days are getting longer. The birds are singing. The trees and flowers are blooming.  This is all great until your allergies start flaring up.  Allergy Relief For some, seasonal allergies can be a minor inconvenience. On the other hand, others experience serious discomfort and dread. If you…

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3 Quick Tips to Stay Well This Winter

tissues and teacup with straw on bedside table when you're unable to stay well during winter

When the temperature starts to drop, it’s almost a given that people start to feel under the weather. Pun intended. Other than a possible runny nose, the cooler temperatures don’t make you sick. But, it is common for your immune system to not work at prime efficiency during this time. This, in turn, does cause…

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Guaranteed Method to Prevent Colds and Germs!

Preventing colds and germs

We live in a time of almost non-stop media reports that attempt to create massive fears of serious diseases lurking around every corner just waiting to send us into illness or death. We must somehow become immune to the barrage of these threats or we could quickly succumb to such fear and anxiety that our…

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Did You Know 90% of Your Body Cells Are Not You!

One day years ago, I was sitting at a local blood testing lab and observed a picture on the wall of human blood cells and underneath it read “this is you”.  I don’t know why but this statement stirred my thought process for months about my body and what part of it is really me…

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