Fiber Supplements: It’s More Than Just About Going #2

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Sometimes, it is the simplest dietary interventions that can provide the most value. Many people do not realize how much the right fiber supplement can do for them because it seems so simple. However, studies have found that getting the right amount of fiber in your diet can actually decrease your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, constipation, and even cancer.

When I speak to clients, I often question them about their fiber intake. The majority of people say they are eating enough fiber and they totally believe it. My follow-up question to them is, “What do you normally eat for breakfast, lunch, and supper?”

When we add up the fiber in their diet, they are often surprised how little there really is. About 85% of my clients are not getting the recommended amount of fiber in their diet. Unfortunately, eating a salad and an apple is not even close to enough to get the right amount of fiber.

Of course, getting enough fiber does more than simply prevent diseases. Read on to learn all about the most important things to understand about fiber supplements and what they might be able to do for you!


What is the Ideal Fiber Intake?

Most people think they are getting enough fiber, even though they are not. That’s because they do not know what the actual ideal fiber intake is. People should be getting at least 30 grams of fiber per day, with 40 grams as the ultimate goal.

You can actually see how important this is by looking at the cultures around the world. The ones with high levels of fiber intake end up with the fewest diseases associated with low fiber.

You can also look at these cultures to discover how easily they can maintain a healthy weight. Fiber intake can be an important part of managing the right weight for you.

On top of that, getting enough fiber means avoiding harmful laxatives. Natural sources of fiber are much less likely to cause side effects compared to laxatives.

What Are the Different Types Of Fiber?

One of the most important things to understand about fiber is that there are two different kinds. The first kind of fiber is called soluble.

Soluble fiber gets its name from the fact that it can dissolve. Soluble fiber dissolves in water to create a material similar to a gel.

Getting enough soluble fiber can help people to lower their cholesterol. In some cases, it can even help them properly regulate their blood sugar.

In contrast, we have insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber increases stool bulk. On top of that, it helps to balance pH levels in the intestines and promotes easy elimination.

However I must say that even with a stellar diet, I recommend adding a fiber supplement to my daily routine. Some people are already using fiber supplements. Some of the most popular fiber supplements are Metamucil and psyllium husk. People who take these have to mix and drink them quickly before they thicken.

Unfortunately, many sources of psyllium husk are heavily sprayed with pesticides. Although these pesticides are legal, they can cause a lot of harm to the body.

I did a video entitled, “The Dirty Truth About Psyllium Husk Fiber” that can be viewed here. In it, I speak about using organic psyllium if you are going to add it to your daily diet. This will prevent the ingestion of potentially harmful pesticides. 

Read more about rebuilding your gut health here.

However my all time favorite fiber is hemp. Hemp is organic and contains other nutritional components that also promote health. Hemp is extremely clean and accomplishes everything we desire in fiber.

I mix hemp in my morning breakfast shake almost every single day. This drink has probably had more impact on my health and wellbeing than almost anything else I have done in years. Here is the recipe for the drink.

What Are the Benefits of Fiber Intake?

We have already discussed how getting the right amount of fiber can promote bowel health and lower cholesterol. We’ve also discussed how it can help people regulate their weight and lower their blood sugar levels.

Combine that with how it can prevent certain diseases, and getting enough fiber is a great way to help increase your lifespan. On top of that, you will enjoy many more years of health as you get older.

Great Foods High In Fiber

Eating foods high in fiber is the best way to naturally get the fiber that your body needs. Many people do not realize how easy it is to get the fiber they need because they do not know which foods are high in fiber. To make high fiber recipes, use any of the following foods with extremely high fiber content.

  1. Avocados
  2. Asian Pears
  3. Berries
  4. Coconut
  5. Figs
  6. Peas
  7. Okra
  8. Brussel Sprouts
  9. Turnips
  10. Black Beans
  11. Flax seeds
  12. Chia seeds


The human body is designed to rely on a certain amount of fiber in its diet. Making sure to get enough fiber can resolve long-standing health issues. For other people, getting enough fiber can simply mean enjoying a more vibrant and healthy life.

Understand the Benefits of Taking a Fiber Supplement

We hope learning about how taking a fiber supplement might benefit your health has been helpful for you. Many people struggle with certain health problems for many years. Unfortunately, they do not realize that the solution might be as simple as taking the right fiber supplement.

That makes learning more about what taking a fiber supplement might be able to do for you an investment in you. To learn more about the benefits of taking a fiber supplement or to speak with experts in fiber and nutrition, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol