1 in 4 Men Over 30 Suffer from Low Testosterone

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Results from a study from the Endocrine Society, recently showed that a shocking 1 in 4 men over the age of 30 years old has low testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can be a serious issue that can effect many parts of a males anatomy.  While sometimes signs of low testosterone are very evident, low testosterone has also been known to show no signs at all in some individuals.

So what are some of the signs that are associated with low testosterone in men?

  1. Decreased Libido – one of the most obvious signs of low testosterone, the male sex hormone, is a decrease in libido and decreased desire for intimacy.
  2. Depression – A study performed by the Verterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington found that men with low levels of testosterone were up to four times more likely to suffer from clinical depression
  3. Low Testosterone – Your lack of energy levels may not always be associated with that long day at the office or the fact that you are getting older.  Testosterone plays a key role in energy levels in men.
  4. Decreased Height – Testosterone plays a significant role in bone strength.  If you feel like you are losing height or shrinking, it may not be ‘“in your head”. It can sometimes be associated with low testosterone levels.
  5. Decreased Endurance and Strength – Not only does testosterone help with energy levels, it also helps increase strength and endurance, including muscle mass.  If you are noticing your workouts are not what they used to be despite not changing your normal regimen, this is another sign associated with low testosterone levels.
  6. Other Health Issues – Low testosterone has also been associated with obesity, thyroid issues and type 2 diabetes.
  7. Erectile Dysfunction – Inability to maintain or achieve an erection can also be associated with low testosterone.

So what can be done about low testosterone?

If you think you may be experiencing low testosterone, talking to your doctor is a good first step so that it can be confirmed with blood work. If low testosterone is evident, many doctors will prescribe certain drugs that can help.  However many men have noticed benefits by taking certain herbs and nutrients.

Herbs and Nutrients that Assist Optimal Testosterone Levels

  1. Tongkat Ali – One of the most impressive herbs, that has been growing in popularity over the last 5 years is an herb known as Tongkat Ali. Many men notice an increase in energy, libido, mood and strength/endurance.  A recent article from Fox News, referred to Tongkat Ali as the Viagra of Malaysia
  2. Tribulus – Tribulus has been around for many years and is a trusted supplement for supporting optimal testosterone levels
  3. Zinc – Zinc deficiency is a very common deficiency in the US. Zinc also plays a big role in healthy testosterone levels and male health.
  4. Chysin – This herbal extract from the Chrysin flower has been shown to support the detoxification of harmful forms of estrogen, which can be detrimental to individuals with low testosterone levels.

Many of these nutrients are common at health food stores, but one of the most comprehensive formulas for the support of healthy testosterone levels is Irwin’s Naturals Testosterone Up.  It is formulated with the right amounts of the above nutrients along with other herbal extracts and nutrients that can assist with healthy testosterone levels.

If you suspect that you may be low in testosterone, it is recommended you first consult with your physician to seek advice before taking any nutritional supplements.

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol