The vital importance of purchasing high quality multivitamins

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How do I know if I’ve found high quality multivitamins?

45 years in the nutrition business has allowed me to observe one thing: The amazing advancement of multivitamin formulas within the nutrition industry. The importance of this topic rides on the major advancement of science research within the field of nutrition over the past decades. Many consumers, however, are still purchasing multivitamins based on decades-old science and this decision is shortening their potential for optimal health benefits.

The raw materials used by nutrition companies when producing a multivitamin can range from almost worthless to extraordinary. This is where the dirty secret is unknown to consumers regarding how a company produces multivitamins.

What Makes a Low Quality Mutlivitamin

The reasons are as follows:

First: Raw materials

The materials used to produce multivitamins range from very low quality to pharmaceutically pure.

Second: Manufacturer Motivation

Companies that operate only on the profit agenda will always choose lower quality materials in order to increase their profits.

Third: Parity Labeling

The label can look the same to a consumer. So, unless you have experience purchasing from a trustworthy business you may choose poor quality without realizing it.

When companies follow the above 3 practices, you are getting an inferior product not capable of optimizing your health and decreasing disease.

I am willing to compromise on many areas of life. However, my health is not one of them as I just passed 67 years of age. What I do daily with lifestyle, foods and nutritional supplements is what has built my long-term health that will serve me as I age.

Hopefully, you feel the same.

The multivitamin is the backbone of any nutrition program and everything else builds on that platform.

So the bottom line is how to find multivitamins you can trust?

Finding High Quality Mutlivitamins

Partner with a business that puts science, experience, and quality first and foremost.

I founded Nutrition World in 1979, and I am obsessive in my focus on quality along with value for our consumers. Nutrition World does not carry products that have not passed my high level of scrutiny on nutraceuticals. This includes demanding lab certification if any product is questionable.

Company Values

For consumers not able to shop at Nutrition World I suggest finding companies that have transparency in their production, raw materials and their philosophy. Ask yourself, do they make health their goal? Or are they focused on profit?

Manufacturing Certifications to Show They Produce High Quality Multivitamins

Secondly, find companies that have certifications that guarantee third-party testing. Some examples are companies such as Mt Angel utilizing ingredients like KSM-66 Ashwagandha which assists in lowering the effects of stress. Ingredients such as Lutemax 2020 which is the health protectant Lutein.

These specific names are examples showing the company is actually purchasing the most studied and highest quality ingredients for their multivitamins.

What’s in the Bottle?

Lastly involves the actual formulation.

The following are my “must have” in any multivitamin:

1. Vitamin D levels of at least 2000iu.
2. Natural vitamin E, listed as D alpha and not DL alpha, which is synthetic.
3. Folate and not folic acid.
4. Minerals that are highly absorbable such as chelates or other forms that prove absorption.
5. Adequate amounts of Vitamins A, C and all the B-complex vitamins.
6. Vitamin K, which is one of my most respected nutrients, protecting your artery endothelial health, and reducing cardiovascular disease.
7. Lastly is what we call excipients. These are the non-nutrition ingredients to assist in the capsule or tablet dissolving and assisting in the digestion of the product. Many companies use very poor quality and even potentially unhealthy excipients.

Some of the ingredients on my NO NO list for a multivitamin is as follows:

1. Magnesium Oxide (unless in small amounts)
2. Talc
3. Folic acid
4. Hydrogenated oils
5. Artificial colors and flavors. (e.g. Red 40 and Yellow 5)


mt angel womens multivitamins

Try Mt Angel Multivitamins

One of the most outstanding nutraceutical companies in our industry that I fully trust is Mt Angel Vitamins. I personally use many of their items with full confidence. Everything they do works to produce an end product that is totally trustworthy and of the utmost quality in all areas.

I have a podcast regarding how Mt Angel covers all the areas of quality that define why Mt Angel is so respected.

Listen to the podcast on Mt Angel high quality multivitamins here. I say often on my radio show, Vital Health Radio, ( on all podcast platforms), when we know better, we can do better. Hopefully, you now know better…

May the best health always be yours!
Ed Jones


Disclaimer: This post contains sponsored products.

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol