The Amazing Virgin Diet!

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Nutrition World staff was honored to be asked by PBS television to answer the phones for the fundraiser featuring the best selling author of the Virgin Diet book, J.J. Virgin.

I was so impressed with her philosophy, (I guess the main reason was because it is so similar to mine) in regard to the truth that proper weight and health has more to do with balancing chemistry of the body than just about anything else.

The foods that J.J. Virgin speaks about that create havoc with our chemistry when eaten regularly are the following:

  1. soy
  2. peanuts
  3. milk
  4. gluten
  5. eggs  (this is the only one I somewhat disagree with)
  6. sweeteners (artificial)
  7. corn
  8. sugar

I can say with complete confidence that eating the above foods regularly will prevent optimal health in everyone.  The Virgin Diet strongly moves people’s health toward less inflammation, reduced body weight, and increased energy.  J.J. was amazingly healthy, fit and obviously follows the rules she writes about.

J.J. also is emphatic about using the following foods in order to create health:

  1. Coconut oil   (must be high quality)
  2. Ghee butter
  3. Xylitol
  4. Pea and Rice protein powder
  5. Dark chocolate  (we have the only no sugar dark chocolate anywhere)
  6. Almond butter  (my most favorite healthy food)
  7. Almond milk


Nothing I have ever investigated on natural medicine will probably ever outperform the almost miraculous healing properties that I have witnessed with Cannabinoids. CBD may truly be a natural elixir from the heavens.”The Virgin Diet strongly moves people’s health toward less inflammation, reduced body weight, and increased energy.  J.J. was amazingly healthy, fit and obviously follows the rules she writes about.”

CBD may truly be a natural elixir from the heavens.The Virgin Diet strongly moves people's health toward less inflammation, reduced body weight, and increased energy. Share on X
You can purchase her book here: The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days or Nutrition World will be stocking it soon.  J.J. Virgin’s website is also full of useful information and videos.


What do you think about the Virgin Diet? Share in the comments!


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