Why You MUST Filter Your Water (Plus How To Do It on a Budget)

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Water is essential for living and to achieve optimal health. I remind others at Nutrition World how important it is to drink 60 ounces of it each day. However, even if we drink the recommended amount of water in order to receive its benefits, they can be counteracted if the water we drink isn’t properly filtered.

Drinking bottled water exclusively is an option, but it gets very expensive to do so.  Purity is questionable and it is not ideal for the environment. In addition, research has found that 40 percent of bottled water is just tap water, so not just any bottled water will be a good solution. Not only is buying a water filtration system more economical in the long run, by purchasing a high quality system you can ensure that you are drinking the cleanest water available.

Clearly, a water filtration system reduces harmful contaminants found in tap water. These contaminants range from aluminum to arsenic to detergent byproducts to prescription drugs that someone has unwisely flushed down the toilet. A growing number of experts are calling attention to these contaminants because they can contribute to the epidemic health conditions experienced by many today. These health conditions include learning issues, behavioral problems, altered immune systems, prostate and breast issues, obesity, heartburn, urinary tract infections, chronic fatigue and early puberty in both sexes.

The cumulative effects of years of consuming unfiltered water can be devastating to internal chemistry and health. It’s extremely important for infants and young people to be given purified water because their newly developed immune systems are very vulnerable to toxicity.

I know pure water is an essential of good health. But most don’t consider filtering their water to be a necessity because the toxins it often contains are tasteless, odorless and colorless. Your water may taste pure even though it probably isn’t. Many believe their refrigerator filter is adequate but again it is often only improving taste and removing only a few contaminants.

Even if we drink the recommended amount of water in order to receive its benefits, they can be counteracted if the water we drink isn’t properly filtered. Share on X

So, how do you know what water filtration system to buy?

Research is necessary to choose which filtration system is right for you. “Buyer beware” is just as true for buying a water filtration system as it is for any purchase. Most companies selling them claim to improve taste and eliminate chlorine, and perhaps a few other basic chemicals. But there’s more to get out of your water than chlorine, so this shouldn’t sell you on a system. I recommend a system that removes fluoride, because it takes a very high-quality filtration system to remove this tiny molecule. If your purifier can remove fluoride, it can remove almost anything.

My favorite low cost filter I recommend is called Propur. It removes chlorine, fluoride and over 200 other chemicals—all for less than $75. No other purifier comes close to the amount of toxins Propur can remove.

And don’t confuse “purification” with “distillation.” They are not the same; click here for an article called “Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water,” which explains the differences. The full book on the topic I most recommend on the vital importance of drinking water for our health is called “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water,” available from Amazon.com here. The author of this book also maintains a blog here. I have written more extensively on the topic of water and health in my book “Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired,” available for free here.

May the rays of great health shine all your days





Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol
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