Homeopathic Provides a Treasure Chest of Remedies

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I have come and gone with my belief in Homeopathic natural medicine over the past 30 years but I have seen too many remarkable personal stories to ignore this decades old science.

Homeopathy is based on the “law of similars” where infinitesimal small amounts of a single ingredient can trigger a healing response in the body.  It is used on humans, dogs, cats, infants, or the elderly with complete safety.

Here is one of the MANY, MANY remarkable reports from homeopathic physicians during the great flu pandemic of 1918-19.   It is estimated that as many as 100 million people perished during the pandemic.

Dr. Herbert A. Roberts M.D. (from Connecticut) recalled some of his experience as the Army physician in charge on a US troop ship. “During the first voyage over to Brest, I was Transport Surgeon. We had very little influenza during September. In the month of October, I was sent over with another load of 2,000 men, and we developed on the way over in the course of two weeks, over 81 cases of influenza. This is what we did. We put all these cases in the Hospital Bay of the ship, and from sunset to sunrise every porthole had to be closed tight on account of danger of submarines. These cases of influenza presented three meningeal and several of the pneumonic form**. However, I landed every man in Brest in good condition. This ship was the only ship in our convoy of nine ships that had that record. I was the only homeopathic surgeon on these nine ships. One ship in that convoy which carried 4,000 troops, lost 31 on the way over. Every man in our ship received homeopathic treatment, and careful individual treatment.” Once another boat pulled alongside to get all the spare coffins from Dr. Roberts’ boat because its mortality rate was so high. On his return to port, the commander said to Roberts, “Used all your coffins?” To which Roberts replied, “Yes, and lost not one man!”

**meningeal and pneumonic forms of the Spanish Flu had death rates of 30% on average

Homeopathy is based on the “law of similars” where infinitesimal small amounts of a single ingredient can trigger a healing response in the body.

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 I personally recommend everyone have at least two homeopathic remedies at home for a variety of health issues.  The first is Arnica, which is one of the most amazing remedies of all time for reducing bruising and increasing healing from any injuries or surgeries  (especially great if you have small kids). The key to the best results using Arnica tablets is taking them within the first few hours of any injury to the body. Secondly is Nux Vomica remedy which offers quick relief for:  Upset stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, and Hangover. I have used both of these with incredible results.

To determine which remedy to use for other ailments, go to the medicine finder at the following link and look up the condition to find the remedy.  https://www.boironusa.com




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