Mouth Taping: Achieve Your Best Sleep Ever

woman sleeping

Do you like to explore and try new things when it comes to your health? Me too. You can call me the Christopher Columbus of health and wellness explorations. If it has to do with achieving superior health, count me in. After reading the title of this article, you might be asking yourself how tape…

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B Vitamins and Your Genes


Do you ever think about how your genes impact your health? We may only think about our genes if a chronic disease runs in our family. But they can reveal much more than a likelihood of getting a disease. Sometimes when we experience less than optimal health, our genes can reveal a big part of…

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Gas and Bloating: Naturally Decrease Those Dreaded Symptoms

gas and bloating pain

We’ve all experienced the uncomfortable and often embarrassing gas and bloating. Even foods that haven’t caused it before can suddenly make our tummies upset and cause those dreaded symptoms. If you’re in need of some relief (and aren’t we all at some point!), there are ways to reduce gas and bloating in a natural way.…

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Insomnia: Two Products to Help Optimize Your Sleep

lady sleeping

Insomnia is the greatest challenge in my pursuit of optimal health. Yawn. Anybody else with me? It is not constant. It does come and go. But far too often for my liking. And that has been my motivation to study insomnia from a holistic standpoint. I want to be able to help those who struggle…

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The Top 5 CBD Myths Explained

hemp plant

There is a lot of misinformation out there about CBD and hemp products. The market is now flooded with CBD stores. You can even buy it in gas stations! But, not all CBD is created equal. As always, we dedicate ourselves to researching everything holistic health so you can be informed. That’s why we’re here…

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