The Healing Power of Sulforaphane

Have you heard of sulforaphane? If not, it’s time that you have. Sulforaphane is a sulfur rich molecule found in many cruciferous vegetables. The highest content is found in raw broccoli. The benefits of sulforaphane include incredible antioxidant properties, heart, and brain support. Supplements often contain the sulforaphane precursor glucoraphanin. But our guests today created a stable, pure sulforaphane product known as BrocElite®.

Meet David Roberts:

David Roberts holds a MPH from Johns Hopkins, a Masters in BME from the UVA, and a Bachelors in EE and BME from Duke. David has more than 20 years of public health experience on three continents. In 2014 David cofounded the gut supplement, RESTORE, now ION*.

Meet John Gildea, PhD:

John Gildea is a Johns Hopkins-trained PhD with 60 scientific publications from over 20 NIH-funded studies. He is an expert in cell culture and exosomes, performing all the science behind gut supplement RESTORE, now ION*. John was instrumental in the initial stabilization of the sulforaphane in BrocElite®.

David Roberts 0:00
Yeah, it was about several years after that. When John came to us, Morrow still alive at the time and, and he was like, I think I stabilized. So if you’re a fan and so ended up we were with another company called Restore snap I on like, you know, that’s great John, but I don’t have time to deal with that. But Maura actually was like, we gotta get this out to people because she knew that what a game changer. It could be. So she took the first steps to kind of get seed money raised, which ended up coming in after she died. But yeah, that was sort of the genesis of edits. Yeah, it’s it is a game changer. And as well as for sure, you’re listening to the nutrition world podcast, a show about navigating the intricacies of holistic wellness. We’re a natural health food store located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and we believe that optimal health and peak performance should be accessible to everyone.

Cady Kuhlman 1:13
Hello, and welcome. I’m honored to be here today. I am Cady Kuhlman. I am the host today of the podcast. You know, I’m co owner of nutrition. We’re all with my father, Ed Jones. I have my master’s degree in holistic nutrition, and I’ve grown up in this industry and in this lifestyle. So it’s a great honor when I get to speak to people that are so knowledgeable and have so many years of experience in our industry and in our natural world of of medicine and natural world of remedies. And so I am actually here today with Dr. John glenbeigh. And I’m here with David Roberts. They are a very, very highly educated team, both graduates of the John Hopkins University. Dr. John golladay, has his PhD. And David Roberts, I believe you got your master’s degree. And so we are so thankful for your level of education in this and today’s topic, just to go on and set that up. And then I’ll let you guys have a chance to hop on in here. We are going to dive into something that may sound so simple, and it is one chemical compound that we’re going to speak about. But it is found within broccoli. We’re all familiar with broccoli, we eat broccoli, we know our mamas said eat broccoli when you’re, you’re growing and little it’s healthy for you. But this is bigger than just that this is this amazing chemical that has found within broccoli that is too amazing to not speak about. And so this is about sulforaphane and I would love us just to dive in initially and just speak about the basics of what is sulforaphane?

David Roberts 2:39
Yeah. Well, thanks, first of all, for having us. It’s great to be here with you and to talk about this topic. So so if you’re a fan, it was discovered in 1992. At our alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, and since then they’ve have a whole center, it’s called the chemo protective Institute, that’s does a lot of the sprout growing or at least historically has done sprout growing to, to provide self care for these research studies. And so the there have been over about 2000 research papers on the molecule. And, and really, it’s, it’s, you know, if you think about it, pure fun.

It comes it is it comes from broccoli, but it’s it’s not in the broccoli, it actually has to be. It has to be chemically made as you are chewing the broccoli. So if you have a head of broccoli, you start chewing it. There’s a chemical that comes before sulforaphane called glucoraphanin and you start chewing it that that is actually a stable, it’s in the head of broccoli. Then once you start chewing, you break the cell wall down, which has an enzyme called mercenaries that then converts that glucoraphanin into sulfuric acid. And that’s a little complicated, but it’s it’s basically

that the reason I’m bringing that up though, is if you try to save that sulforaphane, it degrades as it’s not stable and so that’s why 19 Most the vast majority of supplements I think all but to ours and one other out there, basically have that precursor Chemical Co glucoraphanin in the capsule. And so, sometimes, you know people take can take that glucoraphanin in there, they have the right gut bacteria that actually converted into sulforaphane. Sometimes they don’t and that’s just a big kind of a roll of the dice. And so you know, what we want to bring to the market is natural supplement that has a stable form of sulfuric acid in the capsule, so there’s no guesswork. You know, where we had that the the selfie within the capsule, I grew enough broccoli sprouts for 10 families like we choose to do

A, it was a big operation and at that time, had a one and three year old. And so it’s just a big commitment. And then if you have a crop that goes bad summer time you get that mold and united will to take it. And so basically, you know, and then if you travel, that’s a whole nother thing. And so having other options outside of broccoli sprout growing, we just wanted to basically have have something where it’s a bit easier, it’s a bit

it’s a bit more methodical, you know what you’re getting. The other issue with broccoli sprouts is, you know, some of the seeds, Katie actually don’t have the ability to make sulforaphane. So some of the seeds, especially on Amazon, we were sort of trying to source some organic seeds. So we bought about misses, back in 2019, we bought seven different brands, and six of the seven did not have glucoraphanin to make sulfuryl. Oh, wow. You know, we we did it again, and six months after that, so mid 2020. And then found that, that we did nine brands and eight of the nine did, but it just it didn’t have the ability to make sulforaphane through glucoraphanin. But it just shows you that, that there’s there’s a wide variety of sees different companies source different seeds. And you just you just don’t know for sure. And when you want to get that benefit, you want to be sure that you’re actually ingesting something that is going to have the precursor or the parts that are going to be beneficial to your health. So you know why add the guesswork in for someone and we do sell broccoli sprouts in our store and I’m, I’m a big consumer of them in my salads. But that doesn’t mean that I’m still not going to take a broccoli supplement like yours every day to know that I am getting a good standardized dose, you know, so I’m not having to guess whether the see the sprouts gave it to me or not. Yeah, exactly. That’s good. That’s what we recommend. So yeah, yeah.

Cady Kuhlman 7:04
So tell me what made you guys even jump into sulforaphane? I know, you said at John Hopkins University that you were studying it, but what really was like eye opening to you guys to begin this journey?

David Roberts 7:14
Yeah, I mean, you know, John and I met first week, 10 years ago, actually, when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. So you know, so she wanted to read it in integratively. So some traditional some alternative care, and she didn’t want to do chemotherapy. And so looking we were looking at different molecules, which would help kill her specific type of cancer. And and so we were able to grow some of her cancer cells in our lab and John put 60 different molecules on them to see what killed her type of cancer. And so if your phone was number three, Oh, wow. So when I went that’s when I went out to buy it and noticed that

the supplements out there actually have the graphics and not so few of them. And so it’s kind of confusing because actually ended up buying a lot of this one form that’s it’s called sulforaphane glucose inlay. And, but, you know, 100 bottles or some some crazy thing is to get a cheaper amount, but sulforaphane glucosinolate actually is glucoraphanin. And it’s somewhat confusing, and I think maybe sometimes the companies do that on purpose to get people to think if so paraffin, but the glucose, sulfuric sulforaphane glucose in LA the glucose, sunlight is a generic precursor name for all cruciferous vegetables that, that causing chemicals. So there are different. They’re called isothiocyanates, similar to sulforaphane, but they could be in kale or they could be in radish, stuff like that. So. So fear fin is one of a family of molecules. It’s the most well known. So that’s why we don’t talk about the other ones. But basically,

you know, we wanted to get that. So if you’re a fan in Tamara, and so when I found out that the sulforaphane group assimilate was indeed not Sofia FM, we ended up shifting, like I said, and growing tons of broccoli sprouts, and juicing them daily. And so that’s how we got interested in Wow, yeah. Oh, wow. Thank you for sharing that personal story. And yeah, that’s very, I’m sure that was a big moment in your career where you thought, Okay, we’ve got to, we’ve got to do something with this here. We’ve got to start stepping into creating what the world needs in this category. Yeah, it was about several years after that. When John came to us, Morrow still alive in time and, and he was like, I think I stabilized so if you’re a fan, and so

You ended up. We were with another company called Restore. Now I on like, you know, that’s great, John, but

I don’t have time to deal with that. But Mara actually was like, we gotta get this out to people because she knew that what a game changer. It could be. So she took the first steps to kind of get seed money raised, which ended up coming in after she died. But okay, yeah, that was sort of the, the genesis of edits. Yeah, it’s it is a game changer and people as well, that’s for sure.

Cady Kuhlman 10:37
Wow. And so tell me what it’s actually doing in the body from a, you know, more of a chemistry standpoint, what is it doing?

John Gildea 10:44
Ye ah, so I would say the, the crux of it is that you have to learn one basic transcription factor in order to understand how it works. transcription factor is a protein that goes into the nucleus of a cell and turns on genes. So that you make these other proteins. Well, NRF. Two is a really special transcription factor because it controls a number of activities in the cell that are quite famous. So one of the sets of genes that it turns on, is called the antioxidant response element. So it turns on all the genes that are antioxidants. And the reason that that’s important is that our understanding of toxins generally, people think of it as like vitamin C, you have one free radical, you know, one vitamin C molecule, and it inactivates the antioxidant. But when you turn on a gene, an enzyme that is an antioxidant enzyme, one protein is able to process 1000s upon 1000s of antioxidants. It keeps doing it over and over and over. And NRF two, this molecule turns on a whole set of enzymes that take care of every category of antioxidant, what’s the master regulator of antioxidants? And so what sulforaphane sulforaphane is known to be the best inducer of NRF two, so it stabilizes that protein, and then translocates to the nucleus turns on all those genes. So, antioxidants, the first one, the second one is phase two detoxification. So all the genes that are in phase two, and Phase Three detoxification are upregulated. And so it’s again, not just say taking won’t be a good sell, decimated corral or something where you can bind toxins and have them removed. This is turning on all the genes, these enzymes that do detoxification, so they can take care of many, many more toxicants. And that’s actually probably its most famous activity. And because of that inactivate, a bunch of toxins that can go on to cause cancer. So it’s best known as a cancer prevention. And that’s gotcha as data is in that area. And it also inhibits inflammation, inhibiting NF kappa B. So this is the three that we generally talk about. Most of the activities that you can see, in most chronic diseases have those three components to it. And sulforaphane because it’s such a good inducer of those three activities, and seems to be, you know, a really strong buttress against that, that move towards chronic disease. So that’s why it has such universal uses. Why, like you said, you can put in into try typing into Google, your fate, your favorite chronic disease, and so forth in and you’ll see that most likely, there’s been a number of papers on that topic, and that’s, that’s the crux stuff of how sulforaphane work.

Yeah, and just just to clarify, so you know, and so we did get into software fan with my wife’s cancer journey, but we want to be careful to not say that you know, stuff your fan or form of it Brock lead does anything with disease states, because that’s just not something we can say. But yeah, there are you know, there’s a wide variety of research out there. Not Most of it’s on so you know, a lot on sells some on animals and, and growing amount, not a ton on humans. And so that’s just something to do. You’re in research, we read the stuff, read the papers yourselves make your solutions.

Cady Kuhlman 15:05
Sure. And how many studies would you say right now on PubMed? Or was the floor pain? Do you have any idea?

David Roberts 15:10
Over 2000?

John Gildea 15:12
Okay, that’s a search right now. Broccoli, okay, sulforaphane, or? Sure, you can expand it more, if you do all of them have looked at one point, and it’s upwards of 6000. Oh, wow.

Cady Kuhlman 15:28
Okay. So tell me a little bit in the listeners, is it working in the phase one and phase three detoxification as well, or just phase two? Because I know, there’s an intricate balance of what needs to occur between those phases? Or you can, if you upregulate, one and down regulate another or you don’t, you’re not eliminating properly that you could get some, say side effects from detoxing? Or you could backup something or feel a little bit sluggish. Is it working in all three phases? Or is it just working in phase two?

John Gildea 15:55
Once you’re it’s, it’s in phase two, and phase three. And one of the interesting components of it is that it actually slows down phase one. And so the side effects most people get from detox program come from the fact that if you if you detox too quickly, you can get ill effects from that. There’s much less, so forth. And because you’re actually slowing down the first phase, but you’re stimulating two and three. So you’re, you’re getting rid of those toxins. Without them it showing harm, or that’s that’s the general idea is that Gotcha. You’re, you’re sweeping them away at a rate in which you don’t normally feel the side effects from.

Yeah, you’ve heard of detox, where people feel really Oh, yeah. Yeah. And that’s Phase One gets wrapped up. And we can’t really deal with toxins as quickly as need to be dealt with. And so that’s the beauty of, we say, it works in all three phases. But the phase one, it actually slows, like John said, which is up, I think we’re working well, so that you don’t have that sick feeling.

Cady Kuhlman 17:13
Totally, yeah, I’ve used your product myself. And I’ve also used it with clients over the years that have had a harder time detoxifying with other products, and even myself, almost anything would give me that detox flew based upon my genetic makeup and sensitivities in many areas of my life. And so when I would try to do a detoxification program, or try a system, or try, you know, binders and all these different products, I would get that horrible Herxheimer detox flu reaction to the point where most people are just going to quit doing the detox because no one has time to feel so awful, you know, for so many days. But I’ve never experienced that with your product, honestly, from the first pill, I could even feel like a re energizing cellular feeling of vitality that would come on a calmness and, and all of that, so it could I could feel it within the system that it wasn’t up regulating that. That detox flu feeling for people. So you know, one of the topics that I speak a lot about on I have a I have a Facebook group with conscious mama with a lot of followers for moms that need more holistic and, and natural advice. And then also, bless you meet with people daily in our store. And one of my big topics is to talk about how much of a toxic world we live in. And that means from our water and our food and our I mean glyphosate sprayed on everything, you know, we’ve grown, our antibiotic usage are all these things that are going to disrupt our gut, but then also these toxins that are just hitting us from every single angle from the time we get into the shower and wash our hair and wash our face to our toothpaste to this and that. And I never say all of that to bring fear. I don’t think we should live in fear. And I also don’t think that would be healthy for our systems. But I think we also have to look at okay, if we do live in this bunch of a toxic world, we’re going to have to add something into our regimen then to help push toxins out. So is that somewhat of a belief system that you guys have with a daily sulforaphane supplement?

David Roberts 19:19
Yeah, I mean, people ask, you know, do we do you have to take it all the time? And, and I say, No, you don’t have to take it all the time. But, you know, if you are wanting to kind of get a regular detox in our toxins, they’re they’re everywhere. Like you said, they’re the food that we eat, the air that we breathe, even the things that we touch. There is a a study, older now is right around the time I was leaving public health school in the mid 2000s. But it was on women’s breast milk from women and for women in France. And they had this flame retardant and breast milk. And it was like, Whoa, what’s what is that? And so it ends up that a lot of the couches or things that you would just touch through sinning, got this flame retardant going through your skin, and this one of these women, and they ended up it ended up depositing some of it into their breast milk. And so, you know, fast forward that flame retardant neurotoxin, they find it found out at the time, they didn’t know what it what it did. But yeah, it’s just it’s, it’s insidious. And you know, Katie, you mentioned glyphosate. And so that’s one of the things we’ve done some research on. And, and John is going to did a two amazing studies looking at how glyphosate actually reduces in RF to activation. So basically, you know, it makes it in our to being responsible for that detoxification, to basically, you know, it’s, we call it the mother of all toxins because it makes every toxin that much more toxic because you can’t get it out of your body. If you’re in nerf two is turned off. So what BrocElite, the art form of sulforaphane in broccoli does is it’s able to reverse that glyphosate and get the NRF to back to normal levels, even even in the in the face of glyphosate. And so that that’s something that, again, you know, within our tubing, and it’s every cell in your body, it’s just not it’s not just your liver, every cell gets to detox. And so that’s it’s an important system. So important thing for people to have working properly.

Cady Kuhlman 21:51
Wow. Wow, that’s amazing. Thank you for referencing that breast milk study. There’s another one that I reference, often in my group from the Environmental Working Group, and they refer to I think it’s 281 contaminants found between the umbilical cord and the baby in a mother’s womb. And that’s before the baby’s even taking their first breath out of the mama. It’s the mom is literally just, you know, there was that concept for a long time, and maybe still with some people that, oh, the baby’s fully protected, the baby’s not receiving anything bad, it’s only getting the nutrients will know there’s a obviously there’s a process of nutrients and toxin going between the mom and the baby and, and so 281 for chemicals, flame retardants, environmental toxins, there was a mean, gas byproducts mean awful stuff going straight into the baby with that may be having no, I mean, the blood brain barrier is not complete. It’s completely absorbing everything at that point from that Mama. So, you know, we do live in a toxic, toxic world. And I think we just have to do the best we can do. And that means setting ourselves up with the right type of nutrients that they can assist our body to rid those toxins. So there’s no doubt. Yeah. So you know, we’ve we’ve skirted around and said a little bit about your company and actually about but I want to say you know, we are speaking about Brock elite. And I would love to get into a little bit more about how you guys discovered the stability of sulforaphane. And what really sets this apart from other ones on the shelf.

David Roberts 23:27
Yeah, I mean, so it is a trade secret. So we didn’t patent it in because it’s really it’s kind of pretty hard to do. And so But that said, you know, one of the things that we we did pretty early on was look at the various cousin chemicals in the seed and the broccoli seeds. So there are around 12 ProHealth cousin molecules similar to sulfuric them that are in the seed, and then we add another one that comes from watercress. It’s called P ITC, and that the sulforaphane P and they all kind of work in synergy. So they, but especially the PTC and the software often work together so that the effect is it’s not a doubling, it’s not one plus one equals two, it’s more like one plus one equals five. And so there’s a that’s the pluses than broccoli plus the broccoli plus the P ITC but, you know, the there’s another stabilized sulfur product on the market that we do a natural extract and they do chemical extract. With the chemical extract. They’re they’re just extracting the sulfuric acid so so it’s a little different than what we’re doing and that our natural extraction gets all of the the molecule was all of the, the cousin molecules to sulfuric acid out of the seed. So all that’s in in the capsule together so it’s most analogous to what a study that you would read about at Johns Hopkins in that they grow the broccoli sprouts and then they make broccoli sprout beverage. So the it how those studies have all of those molecules, not just sulfuric acid, even though sulfuric acid is what they talk about.

Cady Kuhlman 25:26
Gotcha. Okay. Okay. And so then Mara Labs is the the company you guys are are with right with broccolis. And so how did that all kind of birthed out with finding the right company to do this with and all of that?

David Roberts 25:40
Yeah. So, you know, after John stabilized molecule found that it was stable, stable. You know, like I said, More, Maura, my late wife made the move to raise seed money that came in after she passed. And then at that point, we’re like, we got to just get this out to people. Because I mean, it really. I mean, as John likes to say, quote him, the literature was crying out for a stable form of self defense. So you know that you have all these great studies, but then you don’t have a supplement. And so we ended up starting the company in December of 2017. And then, and then rolling out the first bottle in April. And so really getting that, that process. But we wanted to, you know, in more laps, the name is just, of course, in the array of more on my late wife. So sure, yeah.

Cady Kuhlman 26:46
Thank you for sharing. I, I also, we had spoken before the podcast, I was going to tell us a short little personal story. But again, we can’t, you know, treat and diagnose and say that these things are going to cure different symptoms. But I, my oldest son, that’s three and a half in his two year old age had started experiencing a little bit more of what I would call some spectrum like symptoms, there’s no diagnosis with him. And it’s not something that I’m you know, saying that it cured, but it definitely helped his symptoms, the symptoms that we had going on were sensory overload, social anxiety, and then just lots of meltdowns, just lots and lots of crying, I started giving him broccoli eat about eight, eight or nine months ago, probably I opened the capsules and put it into all different ways, you know, he’s three, so I’ve got to figure out how good ways to get that in his either his food or also known as make a little chocolate morsel and give it to them in a little treat type fashion, or whatever I’ve made, put it in drinks, his little smoothie in the morning, whatever it may be. But I would say we saw about an 80% reduction in anxiety, and in meltdowns, within pretty quick amount of time within two to three weeks. And so it’s just too good for me not to share. Of course, that’s coming from a personal testimonial side and not a treating and diagnosing side. But it definitely saved my little boys mood and anxiety and allowed for our family to have a lot more peace within the home and a lot more joy and trips and ability to go new places. Because you when you do have a situation like that you’re kind of controlled by their their moods and their needs. And that’s fine. Because as a parent, that’s that’s what you sign up for, you know, is what’s going to happen. But I definitely am thankful for broccoli on a personal level.

David Roberts 28:36
Thank you. Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I mean, one of the papers that comes to mind, and you know, it’s a Hopkins paper that kind of touches on your experience on kids on the spectrum, and looking at different scores and doing it. So basically, this is the paper, you jump for free to jump in and was on to a 12 week study of children, all ages so that not just young children, but even older children and even young adults taking stuff, you’re a fan for 12 weeks, and then their their scale scores improved 30% overall. And this was you know, all sorts of levels. And then when they came off the sofa, and after week 12 a number of weeks later, they reverted back to baseline. So that was a wow study, if you want to add anything.

John Gildea 29:33
Yeah, I think the component to me there is that these are older kids. And so they basically had established disease, and, frankly, older autistic children have what’s considered recalcitrant autism. They don’t generally improve. They’re pretty stuck in in wherever they land at the end of the development of the disease. And so it was very striking that virtually every person in the study showed improvement. And I think a lot of people whose eyes were really open to, to how powerful this compound in is for a note how much in the autism world you are, but for sure there’s a gut component, autism and autism. And there’s there’s plenty of studies to show improvements in both of those of those systems. And RFU in general as the master regulator, regulator of tight junctions. So in your, in your small, small and large intestines, the whole aspect of leaky gut is pretty universal in autism. And then the lymphadenopathy that’s associated with these, you know, the endotoxins, leaving the local environment of the intestines is also a classic component of it. And I think that’s why it’s helping is that it’s tightening the tight junctions in the small and large intestines. It’s also decreasing molecules that are that are associated with that. So there’s less than the toxins released. It’s also an anti inflammatory, so it’s decreasing cytokine storm, and then there’s a direct connection between your gut and, and your brain, gut brain access. So it makes sense that it works in that area, but I think it’s still startled people in this recalcitrant population had such strong effects.

Cady Kuhlman 31:36
Wow, thank you. That’s amazing. Um, so that I mean, that really, for me kind of summed up everything today that I was hoping to touch on with sulforaphane and broccoli? And is there anything else that you guys wanted to chat about? Or have our listeners here?

David Roberts 31:52
Yeah, I mean, I’d say, John just touched on it some, but we’ve talked about the anti oxidant response system. So really, that’s most of our testimonials come in, people notice a difference in their joint pain when they’re taking? And so they’re like, oh, wow, like we did an internal study looking at, because we noticed it too, pretty quickly. How quickly does it drop your influence inflammatory markers, and so we did a study, looking at il six in urine, and with one dose, so 10 milligrams, it drops aisle six 30% and 24 hours. Wow. So it works quickly. And then the other thing you know, we, of course, talked about detox. And then the third third component we always try to touch on is brain health. And so we sulforaphane has the ability to grow new neurons and also protect existing neurons so that it does that through the upregulation of something called BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor. And so that’s really at the heart if you do research on, on that it’s at the heart of brain health. And so you know, people if they, you know, or listen to this got by it, about a quarter quarter of the people who take even one dose notice some vivid dreaming. And so that’s BDNF working at night. And so that’s just the brain health components super important.

Cady Kuhlman 33:26
Oh, that’s wonderful. Yeah, I actually was thinking back I think when I started it, I did have more vivid dreams than normal and I’m not a big vivid dream person. But I it wasn’t scary dreams. It was just very very vivid. So I remember I do remember that component. And I know you guys sell you sell liquid version and a capsule version. Our store just sells a capsule version but you do have as a stabilized version and liquid that has to stay refrigerated, I believe.

David Roberts 33:50
Yeah, it’s it’s, yeah, the so we wanted to offer that to folks who liked like the liquid and have it in really small capsules. Size one capsule is mainly because a lot of sick people have trouble swallowing capsules. So we wanted to basically get it as small as we could. But the liquid there is is also available for people. Some people really like it definitely tastes pretty bad. We say it tastes pungent, but I haven’t tried it just tastes it tastes nasty. Okay, okay. It is less expensive per milligram. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah, you can get 30 you can get 30 milligrams. Sulfuric acid in a tablespoon.

Cady Kuhlman 34:41
Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. So one one more big question here that’s coming to my mind with listeners. You know, they’ll if they’re sitting at home listening to this thinking, Okay, sounds great. I would love to consider starting this. And then they’re going to ask about dosing. So of course, you know, starting with one pill, and I know it’s dependent on what the person’s issues are and and what they’re trying to accomplish. But what have there been studies done on, you know, dosing up to a certain level is what your guides? What’s your guidance, I guess in the dosing?

David Roberts 35:15
Yeah, I mean, I’ll answer first, and then John can dive in and sort of what he’s seen with his study. But we do have a 30 capsule bottle, so we recommend that as an intro bottle, to kind of get so one a day. And that, that’s five milligrams. And then as kind of you get used to it, and your body gets used to it, you can trade up to the 60, capsule, bottle and take two to a day. Okay, even at the five milligram per day level, it’s definitely moving the needle with, with all these things we’ve talked about. And Joh n, you’ve seen that, as you’ve looked.

John Gildea 35:59
So we had developed some assays, some some tests, basically to show that it’s, it’s activating NRF, two pathway, in vivo, in, in people. And the interesting part about that is rare able to combine in vivo and what’s called ex vivo, where you take cells outside of the body and, and then treat them. When you treat the cells outside of the body. And, and titrate, the amount of sulforaphane that you order from, you know, Chemical Company, the equivalent amount that you get from two pills is equivalent to five micromolar at at the site. So that’s quite a bit higher than what’s in the, it’s in the literature. Most of the time, when it’s measured, in, in studies, clinical studies, it’s in between one and two micromolar. So we have a functional test for our product that’s closer to five micro molar equivalents. And so even at a low dose, it’s hard to make comparisons to studies because it is quite a bit more open. And, and so if you see in studies, a large number of the studies have 30 milligrams as as their, their dose, for the big studies, you can easily approach that with with our product, depending on how many pills you want to take. And then for physicians that want to, to go out and naturopaths we also offer a professional version, that’s even higher. So you can you can really dose it appropriately. And, and even if you want to start lower the children’s version of it that’s in the smaller pill doesn’t have the second component for it. So if you want to ease into into use you can start with with the children’s version of broccoli.

Cady Kuhlman 38:04
And no, I didn’t know that.

John Gildea 38:06
Yeah, but 10% of people who take take self care thing get nauseous, so we do recommend taking it with food. But in the end even even then sometimes it’s so potent, the BrocElite plus that we do offer the children’s version. Also, you know, we have numerous number of we have a number of adults taking children’s version, because the others two potent for them.

Cady Kuhlman 38:35
Wonderful. Well, I’m honored to have you guys on our show today and just honored to speak to two people that know so much and have made such a revolutionary product. I’m thankful on a personal level and also on a business level that we can put it on our shelves at our store. And

I think that almost wraps everything up for today. So I just want to give you my most abundant thank yous and thank you for your time and your efforts and your education and sharing this with all of our viewers. So thank you both.

David Roberts 39:02
Absolutely. Thank you Cady for having us. It’s been wonderful, wonderful conversation. So hope it helps folks that are listening

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