Vitamin D Deficiency: An Ignored Pandemic

vitamin d supplement in someone's hand looking at the sun

What if I told you that the daily use of sunshine or a simple supplement could add years to your life? And life to your years? I have been a seeker of the answers to health for my entire adult life. Sharing what I’ve discovered and learned about nutrition has been a blessing for me.…

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Irish Moss: A New Product That You Need on Your Radar

irish moss powder

There’s a new product on the market that is getting a lot of attention right now–Irish Moss. This little species of red algae, also known as Chrondrus Crispus, grows on the rocky parts of the Atlantic Coast of Europe and North America. Its color can range from greenish-yellow to red, to almost a dark purple.…

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Self Care for Moms

mom and baby looking at each other lovingly

When you hear “self care for moms,” you might be thinking that it sounds impossible. As a mom, life can feel like a constant to-do list. Wake up. Change diapers. Get kids dressed for school. Feed them. Do mountains of laundry. Drive them to practice. Do homework. Make sure they take a bath. Get to…

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Protein Powder for Everybody

protein smoothie

What comes to mind when you think of protein powder? Maybe you think it’s only for bodybuilders who are trying to increase muscle mass. Or maybe you think it’s for the elderly who are trying to maintain their weight. But, protein powders are a great addition to anyone’s diet!   Protein powder hasn’t always resonated…

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