Weight Loss Tips for Menopause

visceral fat menopause

Whether it’s menopause or perimenopause, once you reach a certain age, you might find yourself looking for tips. Specifically, weight loss tips for menopause. But why? Menopause is Inevitable… But does weight gain have to be inevitable as you age? Ladies, it’s either on its way, or already here. Sometimes earlier and sometimes later than…

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Curcumin: Frozen Shoulder Pain Relief

unable to move arm overhead due to frozen shoulder pain

If you have frozen shoulder pain relief is a MUST! One Woman’s Story of Frozen Shoulder and the Road to Natural Pain Relief and Recovery What does a frozen shoulder look like? Well, it’s like trying to dry longer hair with one hand because it’s too painful to even lift a hairbrush in the other.…

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Pregnancy Supplements

pregnancy supplements

Let’s talk about pregnancy supplements. I recognize that the amount of days we spend pregnant may be a short window in the scope of our entire life. But, oh how vital are these days. As we give life and grow a precious little inside of our womb, I almost can’t think of a more important…

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Vitamin D Deficiency: An Ignored Pandemic

vitamin d supplement in someone's hand looking at the sun

What if I told you that the daily use of sunshine or a simple supplement could add years to your life? And life to your years? I have been a seeker of the answers to health for my entire adult life. Sharing what I’ve discovered and learned about nutrition has been a blessing for me.…

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