Is Theanine the Best Supplement to Calm an Anxious Mind?

lady feeling calm

Theanine calms the mind without making you sleepy, within an hour of taking the right dosage. That’s a big statement. And yet, our experience and research says it’s true! Here’s what we know about taking an L-theanine supplement… In my pursuit of options to calm my mind, one of my heroes over the past decade…

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What Does the Omega 3 Index tell us About our Mortality Risk?

foods full of mega 3s like salmon olives avocado and more

“The omega 3 index is a better predictor of health and a better predictor of mortality risk than cholesterol.” Most people want to understand their risk of mortality, especially as they age. Health providers usually point us to cholesterol tests. And yet, one underutilized test give us a better idea of our mortality risk. The…

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Vitamin D: Vitamin or Hormone?

vitamin d on beach

Is Vitamin D a nutrient or could it treat many of our health issues? Vitamin D stands out from all other nutraceuticals because it is one of the very few vitamins that the body is able to produce on its own given the right conditions. Of course the correct condition is only when healthy skin…

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Enzyme Supplements for Brain Fog: Who Needs Them?

intestinal villi and gut bugs

Who needs digestive enzyme supplements? If you’re experiencing brain fog, maybe you… Trekking through the trails of South Dakota. We have to make five “pit stops.” Why? Someone ate a roll at lunch. You’re at a super bowl party. You clock the cheese dip. “One little taste probably won’t hurt,” you think. But by halftime,…

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