Low Testosterone: How To Balance Naturally

man with low testosterone

Testosterone is an important androgen hormone for men. Low testosterone in men is associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, less ability to build muscle and hypertension. All hormones are chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream and act on various target tissues enabling them to function correctly (1, 2). It’s said that men lose 1.5% of…

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Detoxify Yourself!

detoxify juice

What if you eat the “perfect diet,” exercise regularly and yet struggle with fatigue and losing weight? Brain fog, despite practicing good habits? Slow elimination, body odor, unhealthy skin color, etc.? Truth is, you are not alone. You are among a growing number of people suffering from a metabolic condition referred to as weight-loss resistance…

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Turmeric: One of Nature’s Most Powerful Gifts


Headlines everywhere tout the benefits of the natural botanical herb Turmeric.   It is a functional food, or superfood. These are foods that go beyond their nutrient or caloric content. And are used for a specific health purpose. Turmeric is one of the many superfoods used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine to…

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Magnesium: A Potential Nutrient For Unlocking Your Optimal Health


During the last 50 years, several studies show that magnesium is a crucial nutrient. It supports many functions within the body. It is one of the most abundant minerals. And is essential for optimal health and well being. Magnesium plays a role in regulating more than three hundred different biochemical reactions in the body. Particularly…

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Vitamin D Deficiency: An Ignored Pandemic

vitamin d supplement in someone's hand looking at the sun

What if I told you that the daily use of sunshine or a simple supplement could add years to your life? And life to your years? I have been a seeker of the answers to health for my entire adult life. Sharing what I’ve discovered and learned about nutrition has been a blessing for me.…

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