How Much Omega 3 Should you Take per day

omega 3 supplements on a table

How much Omega 3 for optimal health… I have witnessed profound effects of nutritional therapies on health over my 4 decades of life. Thus, I have cultivated a deep gratitude for the power to radically change our health for the positive if embraced wisely.   Research shows again and again, Omega 3s prove one of the…

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Your Vitamin D Levels Are Normal, But Are they Optimal?

Blood Test Vitamin D Levels

Did you know blood test results for things like vitamin D and ferritin levels can be normal, but not healthy? If you’ve ever had normal lab results but still FEEL lousy, this article is for you!  Here’s what we’ll discuss: Normal Vitamin D Levels: Good Enough? Optimal Ranges: A Better Way Why Are Vitamin D…

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What Does the Omega 3 Index tell us About our Mortality Risk?

foods full of mega 3s like salmon olives avocado and more

“The omega 3 index is a better predictor of health and a better predictor of mortality risk than cholesterol.” Most people want to understand their risk of mortality, especially as they age. Health providers usually point us to cholesterol tests. And yet, one underutilized test give us a better idea of our mortality risk. The…

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Niacin Vitamin B3: Essential and Beneficial for Long Term Health

Nutritional Yeast flakes in spoon on table

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Along with seven other vitamins, Niacin makes up the B vitamins in a B-vitamin Complex. Water-soluble and essential the body requires this vitamin for vital functions. These include the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, as well as the…

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Optimal Blood Sugar Levels

blood sugar test

Optimal blood sugar levels are one of the most vital of the blood chemistry numbers. It ensures graceful aging and optimal health. And note, I didn’t say “normal” levels. Averaging over 95 on fasting glucose will whittle away at your eye health, nerve integrity, circulation, healing capacity, body composition, and energy levels. All while producing…

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