Better Together: Vitamin D3 with K2 Could Save Your Life

Vitamin D3 with K2 protects heart health

You may have noticed that it’s becoming more common to see vitamin D3 with K2 instead of vitamin D on its own. But do you know why these two nutrients go together like peas and carrots? You probably already know that vitamin D is an important factor in calcium absorption.  A lesser known fact is…

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Your Vitamin D Levels Are Normal, But Are they Optimal?

Blood Test Vitamin D Levels

Did you know blood test results for things like vitamin D and ferritin levels can be normal, but not healthy? If you’ve ever had normal lab results but still FEEL lousy, this article is for you!  Here’s what we’ll discuss: Normal Vitamin D Levels: Good Enough? Optimal Ranges: A Better Way Why Are Vitamin D…

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Medical-Grade Collagen: the Fountain of Youth for Body Repair?

woman looking at renewed skin in mirror

Liquid Medical-Grade Collagen repairs tissues, builds more lean body mass, and helps you feel more youthful. – Jim Caras, Health Direct Here at Nutrition World, we have a philosophy of embracing graceful aging. But most people don’t think like that. I just saw a post the other day that said, “Being in your 30s is…

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Magnesium: A Potential Nutrient For Unlocking Your Optimal Health


During the last 50 years, several studies show that magnesium is a crucial nutrient. It supports many functions within the body. It is one of the most abundant minerals. And is essential for optimal health and well being. Magnesium plays a role in regulating more than three hundred different biochemical reactions in the body. Particularly…

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