Natural T-Boost: Best Testosterone Supplements

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Want a natural lift in your t-levels? We have a list of the best testosterone supplements backed by scientific research. But before we get there, let’s talk about why testosterone levels are so important.

Testosterone Levels and Their Affect on the Heart

Sexual performance is a health issue many men tie to their identity. According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, almost 100 million men in the world are having problems with erectile dysfunction. Only 10% of those men are actually seeking treatment.

Almost 100 million men in the world are having problems with erectile dysfunction. Only 10% of those men are actually seeking treatment. Share on X

No man wants to admit he struggles with sexual performance. Which makes it difficult to seek help. But sexual desire and performance only affect older men, right? And at that point, men have grown in their ability to seek help for issues big and small, right?

Low Testosterone at all Ages

Earlier in our marriage I noticed my husband feeling abnormally tired and uninterested in sex. Was it me? Had I gained weight? Was I getting old? Not dressing up enough? I was worried that I might be the problem.

After a routine checkup with his doctor, he received a diagnosed of low testosterone. Whew, I immediately felt better!

But the struggle with low testosterone had already affected my heart.

And no man expects to struggle with low testosterone in their late 30s. While my husband and I felt some relief from this diagnosis, we also wanted some answers. We both wanted energy levels to increase, and yes, rekindle some romance in our relationship.

No matter what age a man experiences a drop in testosterone, he can feel unprepared for how it makes him feel physically and emotionally. On top of not being prepared, we often don’t recognize the symptoms when they begin. So what can you do to help yourself or your spouse?

Low Testosterone Symptoms

What comes to mind when you hear low testosterone (low T)? Many people know “low T” can decrease sex drive and cause erectile dysfunction. But testosterone affects many other aspects of our health.

According to Mayo Clinic, some of lesser-known symptoms may be caused by low testosterone. See if any of these symptoms sound familiar?

Heart issues, feelings of depression, difficulty concentrating, increase in fat, a decrease in muscle mass, and lower red blood cell production. Many men experience these symptoms as they age. But who knew these symptoms could be linked to a decrease in an essential hormone most of us take for granted?

According to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, low testosterone can even lead to an earlier morbidity rate for men. In an article written by the Cleveland Clinic, for women, low testosterone can exhibit itself as low libido, bone and muscle health, mood and energy, and menstrual cycle and fertility.

Low Testosterone is More Common Than you Think

An article on Healthline claims that low testosterone affects 4 to 5 million men in the United States. Some may think it’s just something that happens only to older men, but the decrease begins in your 30s. And we’re now learning women can also suffer from the effects of “low T.”

So what can be done to improve these levels?

1 in 4 Men Over 30 Suffer from Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone Treatment

Many men choose to go the medical route and begin taking pharmaceutical drugs, gels, patches, injections or other treatments. Some try to adjust their diet or make lifestyle changes. Other people prefer to try natural supplements to help regulate testosterone levels.

For a more natural approach to wellness, a good start would be exercise, diet, and herbal supplements to boost low testosterone levels.

Exercise and Diet

A collaborative article written by the University of Wisconsin Integrative Health Program, the VA Office of Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Transformation, and the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation listed several suggestions for improving your testosterone naturally.

These suggestions include the following:

  • Maintain ideal body weight
  • Avoid developing diabetes
  • Exercise
  • Sleep well
  • Avoid tobacco products
  • Avoid excessive alcohol
  • Avoid opioid pain medication
  • Avoid xenobiotics
  • Avoid excessive stress
  • Eat well
  • Do not consume excessive amounts of:
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar
    • Red meat and animal fat
    • Dairy products
    • Food dyes
    • Processed foods
  • Foods you should include:
    • Green tea
    • Variety of multicolored fruits and vegetables
    • Nuts (particularly 2 Brazil nuts a day)
    • Fiber
    • Grand flax
    • Soy products

Many of the suggestions go hand in hand with each other. A healthy diet is devoid of excessive amounts of alcohol and sugar, and will help you to sleep better. A good diet will also help you exercise more effectively and both good nutrition and exercise will help you to avoid diabetes as well as maintain optimal body weight.

Practical life changes offer a great place to start. And yet, for most people, we find a holistic approach works best. That’s why combining lifestyle changes with some of these supplements can help you feel better faster.

What are the Best Supplements for Testosterone Levels?

Natural compounds can improve energy, cognitive clarity, lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol. These wins put you in a position to exercise effectively, sleep better, and manage some of the risk factors that can lead to early signs of low testosterone. Let’s talk about supplements we believe lead to optimal testosterone levels and how they work.

First, as always, we recommend getting your hormone levels tested to get a baseline. We offer bloodwork at Nutrition World, and we also refer people to Optimize U for those in the Chattanooga, TN, area. The medical team at Optimize U focuses on checking your levels and helping you find what’s optimal for you.

Checking your levels will also help you know how much of the supplements below might help you achieve optimal testosterone levels.


Tribulus is a plant that has been used in both Chinese and Indian medicine for years. Many have used it for “mood-boosting” effects or as an aphrodisiac. And scientific research agrees. While Tribulus has not been tied to an increase in testosterone or free testosterone in any clinical tests, many studies conclude it’s useful for increased libido, increased sexual function, and an increase in erection.


Fenugreek is an herb used in both foods and medicine to help fight obesity, slow sugar absorption by the stomach and stimulate insulin, as well as improve cognitive functions. While more studies are needed to see if fenugreek increases testosterone, it has been shown to increase libido.


Is a nutritionally valuable plant containing amino acids, iron and other beneficial minerals.It is grown for its medicinal purposes. Maca has a creamy, smoky flavor when used in smoothies. Many people claim it has hormone balancing affect and may be used as an aphrodisiac. Some studies do show an increase in libido when using maca. Especially when decreased libido is caused by antidepressants.

Watch our Stop Living With Low Testosterone Video

Horny Goat Weed

A traditional Chinese medicine herb used to naturally enhance performance and may possibly have “anticancer effects.” Horny goat weed’s main benefits include anti-inflammatory properties and effectiveness in reducing effects of rheumatoid arthritis. This is typically because it increases blood flow. For that reason, horny goat weed may promote increased blood flow and inhibit PDE-5, the same mechanism used in Viagra.


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Try LifeSeasons Masculini-T


Also known as tongat ali is an Asian herb traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. It’s also proposed to reduce blood pressure, fever, and fatigue. LongJax has been shown in several studies to increase testosterone in men.

Muira Puama

Is a bush grown in the Amazon and has long been used as an aphrodisiac. A few human tudies have shown muira puama does reduce anxiety and have a calming affect. Reducing anxiety may lead to an increased ability to feel desire and act on it.

Herbs, especially used in combination, can work synergistically to be a promising solution to fighting low testosterone. In addition, natural supplements can also be amplified by lifestyle choices such as improved sleep, a healthy diet, exercising and losing weight. To get the best results and improved overall health, a combination of healthy life choices along with dietary supplements is recommended.

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol