Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose It & Keep It Off

measuring tape for weight loss

We made it, gang. It’s finally 2021 and this year may be the year you have resolved to lose that weight! Unfortunately, some gyms are still closed or limited. And many folks are still concerned about their immune health and public interaction. This is understandable. And it’s exactly why I am going to share some…

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Creatine: A Supplement Superpower

supplement powder

Whether you’re an athlete or not, you’ve likely heard of creatine. Unfortunately, for many years it has been subject to unsubstantiated claims. Most revolving around fear and danger. But, creatine is a supplement superpower! We’ve brought you the latest research because it’s time to set the record straight on creatine.   Should I Take Creatine?…

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Probiotics for Immune Health

bottle of solaray probiotics

Did you know that around 70% of our immune system lives in the lining of our intestinal tract? 70%! That means our immune system operates at optimal function when our gut is healthy. So, how do we balance our gut? Probiotics.   Many of us have taken probiotics supplements at one time or another with…

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Elderberry 101


If you have ever had a sniffle, sneeze, cough or any other seasonal ailment, you may have taken this magical berry. For hundreds of years, Elderberry has been used as a natural approach to treating viruses and allergies. It made waves in the early 2000s with a study that showed it outperformed Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) for…

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