Magnesium Benefits: Why Magnesium Deserves a Place in Your Daily Routine

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Nutrition World’s Founder, Ed Jones shares why magnesium is his ‘hero nutrient’ and how it benefits your health—from heart rhythm to sleep and more.

Magnesium Supplements: The Daily Super Hero of Supplements

One of my most respected heroes in all my years of studies in nutrition is magnesium. Almost no other single nutrient has the plethora of benefits within our body that magnesium offers. In fact, biochemistry research shows magnesium is part of over 300 reactions within our bodies every second! Can you imagine how your computer would run if 300 systems were not optimal?

Magnesium Powers 300+ Body Processes

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. 

The American diet is generally very low in magnesium as the more healthier choices of food contain larger amounts. Foods such as dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, seeds, leafy greens and fatty fish are good sources of magnesium. Processed foods contain very little magnesium.

See a list of common foods with magnesium according to the USDA here.  

Common Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

The list of issues surrounding magnesium deficiency involve a variety such as muscle cramps, heart rhythms, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, kidney stones, constipation, unhealthy calcium deposits, anxiousness, insomnia and any condition that encourages constrictive processes within the body. Magnesium is a partner to balancing calcium. As magnesium levels drop it can encourage the deposition of calcium in unhealthy areas such as plaque, stones, and muscles. This is why it is vital to our health to ensure adequate levels daily. It also aids protein synthesis, insulin metabolism, reducing migraines, nerve transmission, metabolism of Vitamin D and blood pressure regulation. 

Top Magnesium Benefits for Your Body

The best time to take magnesium sometimes is due to the goal in mind for each individual. If constipation is the primary goal I recommend taking magnesium oxide at supper at between 310mg and 420mg to ensure no deficiency however in certain cases more may be necessary. .

Magnesium oxide is poorly absorbed so the only time I recommend that type of magnesium is for maintaining more liquid within the colon for helping regularity.  This equates to very little entering the blood system for the benefits of the whole body.  


The more absorbable forms of magnesium for the whole body in my opinion should optimally be taken in split doses with half in the morning and the other half with supper.  The reason for this is to maintain blood levels throughout the day and night.  

The length of time it takes for magnesium to begin to be effective of course somewhat depends on the issue at hand however in most cases 30 days is generally very adequate to see results.   I sometimes do recommend a blood test for magnesium however most health care professionals may not order the correct test.  Testing the blood serum is quite inaccurate however testing the red blood cells magnesium is far more beneficial to understand the levels.  

Many brands of magnesium will list the word “chelated” on the bottle.  Chelated actually means “claw like” because it is an amino acid that is bound to the elemental mineral magnesium.  This process increases absorption of the magnesium.  This is a very effective and safe process for magnesium and all minerals.  

Choosing the Best Form of Magnesium

We must know that minerals of all kinds but especially magnesium have issues with being bioavailable or in other words absorbed. Lack of absorption with incorrect or low quality nutraceuticals vastly diminishes most of the effectiveness. Purchasing from companies that have a reputation for quality and transparency with their products is a number one priority. The forms of magnesium that are highly absorbed are the following:  

  1.  Magnesium Chelate
  2. Magnesium Carbonate
  3. Magnesium Bisglycinate
  4. Magnesium Malate
  5. Magnesium Taurate 
  6. Magnesium Orotate
  7. Magnesium Citrate
Want to read more about which magnesium is right for you?

The side effects of magnesium are few however those on dialysis should refrain from using magnesium. Those that experience stomach cramps or diarrhea should reduce dosage. Blood pressure medications and the antibiotic Tetracycline you should consult a physician before using.  


I encourage all individuals interested in maintaining optimal health to consider daily use of magnesium from this point forward.   


The Green Pharmacy offers almost magic if utilized with wisdom and discipline for our health today but even more importantly for the years of the future.   

Disclaimer. The information on this website and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA. Or, any one of the medical profession. And it is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. Nutrition World assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of any of these materials. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. If you are being treated for any medical illness, check with your medical professional before starting any protocol
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