Nattokinase Supplements: the Key to Cardiovascular Health?

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Are Nattokinase supplements the key to maintaining cardiovascular health as we age?

Maintaining Healthy Blood Flow: The Role of Nattokinase Supplements in Cardiovascular Health

The ability of our blood to travel freely within the body is one of the most vital functions for maintaining health and sustaining life itself. Over 100,000 people die from deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism each year. And strokes are the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 5.5 million deaths annually. Even relatively healthy individuals can succumb to these dangers. And as we age and our health declines, the risks can skyrocket.

Despite these grim statistics, I have an optimistic plan of action for those interested in the value of nutritional interventions. Over 20 years ago, I observed a natural ingredient that research shows may offer a safe option for maintaining healthy blood flow. Blood thickness serves as a primary risk factor for many health issues. Fibrin, a substance in our blood, contributes to the prevention of excessive bleeding if we experience a cut on our bodies. However, in high amounts, fibrin causes “thick blood.” This condition known as hypercoagulation, vastly increases the risk of health issues.

Nattokinase Supplements: A Natural Solution

The good news for those seeking options within the “Green Pharmacy” comes from a natural ingredient called Nattokinase. We make Nattokinase from an ancient food called Natto, still consumed in some countries today. You can see a picture of Natto (fermented soybeans) here.

Nattokinase in bowl with chopstix

Nattokinase capsules, taken every 12 hours, act as a potent fibrin-lowering enzyme. Decreasing fibrin helps return blood to its normal viscosity in most cases. Unlike pharmaceuticals, Nattokinase only brings fibrin back to its healthy levels, posing no risk of lowering it too much or causing side effects. Natural ingredients often work with the body, resulting in fewer side effects than drugs. And drugs sometimes force the body into specific responses without options for maintaining balance.

While other natural ingredients, like bromelain, ginkgo, omega-3, and garlic, may assist in maintaining healthy blood thickness, studies indicate that Nattokinase is the most potent and effective of those tested.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations

Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, who I have followed for 30 years, shares his experience with Nattokinase:

“I’ve been using nattokinase since it first became available, and it is very effective. I think of this enzyme like the guards at Buckingham Palace. They stand there totally still—you’ve seen those famous photographs where you can tickle a guard’s nose with a feather, and he won’t move. But if you try to enter the palace, the guards spring into action. Well, that’s nattokinase. Natto stands still until it needs to respond to a clot or specifically fibrin. When fibrin rises, Nattokinase goes into action.”

When I see clients at Nutrition World who desire to optimize their health—because average health is not desirable—I suggest they get a blood test called Fibrinogen. This test accurately reveals fibrin levels in the blood. For fibrinogen levels over 400, I strongly recommend Nattokinase twice daily. I have seen a strong correlation between clients with Fibrinogen levels above 450 and an increased risk of disease.

For those planning to travel by car or plane for more than 3 hours, I strongly advise starting Nattokinase a few days before the trip. Clots form more easily, even in healthy individuals, when traveling and sitting for extended periods.

Personal Experience With Nattokinase Supplements and Usage Tips

At 67 years old, I personally take Nattokinase supplements in the morning and evening and plan to continue for the rest of my life. Knowing the research, even though it is limited due to a lack of profit incentive, I believe that having Nattokinase in my system would increase my odds of surviving if a clot were to occur or break loose. Most of my personal health decisions are based on the risk/benefit ratio, and the risk of Nattokinase is very low compared to its high benefits, according to many experts.

Holistic and integrative health experts agree that excessive clotting may contribute to various conditions, including menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, COPD, clotting in the eye, peripheral vascular disease, chronic migraines, lack of recovery after exercise, and others too varied to list. It makes sense that if blood flow is inhibited, toxins cannot be effectively removed, and nutrients and oxygen cannot be delivered to the cells, creating a recipe for poor health.



NF Nattokinase

Choosing the Right Nattokinase Supplement

The quality of Nattokinase can vary by manufacturer, so shop wisely for brands with clear transparency and trustworthiness. I personally use Natural Factors, which has consistently met my needs for high-quality assurance. After visiting their Canadian manufacturing plant, I cannot speak highly enough about their level of care in product production.

Nattokinase uses two methods to measure potency, but I prefer the FU (fibrinolytic units) activity. I always choose Nattokinase with 100mg of 2000 FU activity, which seems appropriate for protection. If I feel unusual with blood flow or am flying and sitting for hours, I may double the dose for a couple of days. I recommend taking Nattokinase 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after eating to avoid breaking down consumed foods instead of fibrin in the bloodstream.

Cautions and Interactions

The main cautions with Nattokinase are related to interactions with pharmaceuticals. If you are being treated for serious medical conditions and taking medications, consult your physician or healthcare professional. Nattokinase can interact with anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, blood pressure medications, P-Glycoprotein substrates, and Warfarin (Coumadin), which should never be combined with Nattokinase.

Final Thoughts

Nature continues to amaze with its gifts, but navigating the “Green Pharmacy” requires knowledge. At Nutrition World, our motto is to “partner with you on your journey to health.” As I often say on my radio show and podcasts, “When we know better, we can do better.”

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