3 Weight Loss Products to Avoid…

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Nutrition World > Weight Management > 3 Weight Loss Products to Avoid…

There are always those latest trends for losing weight that seem to gain in popularity overnight. They get all the hype on the TV, radio and The Internet, but do they really work? Do they effectively help you lose weight and keep it off? Do they get to the core of what is causing the weight gain? Here at Nutrition World, we like to make sure products are safe and effective before we carry them, and try and sort through the latest hype and get to the facts.

Based on these facts here are 3 weight loss products you should avoid and why you should avoid them…

1) Complete Nutrition CTS 360

What is CTS360 and why should you avoid taking it? After finding the ingredients, I noticed that CTS 360 contains synephrine, along with many other stimulants and sources of caffeine.

These ingredients alone may raise blood pressure, cause nervous jitters and heart palpitations. When these ingredients are combined like in CTS360, certain people who are sensitive or have underlying medical issues may experience side effects from stimulant type weight loss products.

2) Sensa

Sensa is one of the biggest weight loss supplements out right now, but why has Nutrition World not jumped on the bandwagon to sell this highly popularized product? Well as you have probably seen, Sensa is a powder that you sprinkle on your food that is supposed to help you to feel full and signal to your brain. Does it work? Of course the company says it does, backing their claims with their own clinical studies and medical advisory team.

The powder is mostly made up of a flavored maltodextrin powder, which is simply a corn starch. There is no evidence that maltodextrin can help with weight loss and there is actually some information out there that it could promote weight gain.

3) HCG Homeopathic

You have probably seen this one everywhere lately, but what is it and why doesn’t it work? HCG is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body that has mixed reviews on whether it is effective for weight loss. There are two types of HCG products being marketed- 1) HCG injections and 2) HCG homeopathic supplements. In studies the HCG supplements showed no benefit in weight loss.

Instead of considering these 3 questionable supplements, you may consider checking out one of the three following supplements. They have much more research and are recognized to be a much safer alternative

Check out these safer and more effective supplements…

1) African Mango

This supplement recently passed Dr Oz’s rigorous studies and was hailed as an effective and safe ingredient for decreasing appetite like no other supplement does, by working directly on the hunger hormone in the brain and by helping to control your blood sugar. Check out Life Extension Optimized Irvingia which combines other safe and effective ingredients in there to aid in weight loss.

2) Natural Factors PGX

Is another product that has earned Dr Oz’s approval by being a safe way to lose weight. PGX is a great way to help control your appetite and blood sugar. It is a unique and potent fiber that helps you to feel full earlier in the meal, and helps to stabilize blood sugar throughout the day, which can be beneficial for consuming less food, especially carbohydrates.

3) Fucoxanthin

This brown seaweed has been out for awhile now, but it has been gaining in popularity as it hits the mainstream media. Fucoxanthin has some promising data from it’s clinical studies as a great ingredient to promote weight loss.

It may help to effectively burn fat with no side effects like that of caffeine and other harsh stimulants.

Green Coffee Bean extract is an excellent choice for those looking to shed some weight safely and effectively. Share on X


4) Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green Coffee Bean extract is an excellent choice for those looking to shed some weight safely and effectively. This product was another one that was featured on Dr. Oz for losing weight without any harmful side effects.  Our customers have given us some good feedback on how well the product works.  So we feel like we can recommend this one as a great choice for those wanting to shed some pounds and do it safely.



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