The first 100% healthy Peach Pie that will spin your head.

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Nutrition World > Blog > The first 100% healthy Peach Pie that will spin your head.

Without any doubt, excess sugar in our foods is damaging our health beyond belief and no amount of vitamins, green vegetables or magic potions can counter the inflammatory destructive effects excess sugar.  

The yearly consumption of sugar is now almost 100 pounds per year!  This alone explains why so many individuals are obese, have diabetes, gout, and hundreds of other chronic health conditions.

PyureI have for decades diligently searched for foods that satisfy my taste for a healthy dessert but so often find them either using unhealthy ingredients such as artificial sweeteners or the foods contain junk in some other way.  

Last year as we attended a nutrition convention in Baltimore, I came across a company named, Pyure, which offered a stevia product for cooking.  I have normally found stevia not to my liking but when I tasted this new form of stevia, I was amazed because it tasted identical to sugar without any carbohydrates!

Donna, my wife, started using Pyure to sweeten her pies and they could truly win a pie contest yet has no added sugars. Below is the recipe that even someone who is not a cook could make…

Excess sugar in our foods is damaging our health beyond belief and no amount of vitamins, green vegetables or magic potions can counter the inflammatory destructive effects excess sugar.

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  • 2 pie crusts (one for bottom and lattice for top) Trader Joe’s if available or a brand that has the the most natural ingredients that you can find.
  • 8 peaches-Linda’s produce in East Ridge
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup Pyure stevia (depending on sweetness of peaches
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of all purpose flour
  • 1 tsb of almond flavoring (natural not artificial)

peachpie2Place pie crust on bottom of pie dish.  Cut up peaches and mix together with Pyure sweetener and flour.  Add almond flavoring and pour into pie crust.  Cut other pie crust to form basket weave over top of peaches.  Sprinkle with a little Pyure over top of pie and a few pieces of organic butter. (available at Nutrition World) 

Bake at 400 for 20 minutes or until golden brown crust and cover top with foil and continue cooking at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 more minutes.  Remove from oven and cool.  

(Be warned: you may eat one half of the pie in one serving like I did)

PS.  I also must announce that I finally got beat at my jump rope contest that has been ongoing since December.   




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