Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


What Is a Magnesium Deficiency? Let’s Take a Closer Look.

By Nutrition World / February 23, 2022 /

According to the American Psychological Association, the United States is experiencing a national mental health crisis. And it’s all due to the prevalence of stress among its citizens. Everyone experiences stress from time to time. But, prolonged, unmanaged stress can lead to devastating health consequences. It puts you at greater risk for a long list…

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Migraines: Natural Solutions for Pain Relief and Prevention

By Nutrition World / February 2, 2022 /

Do you or someone you know suffer from migraines? Research shows that one in four US households has at least one member who does. Every ten seconds someone visits the emergency room with some form of a headache. And, in most cases, an acute migraine attack! But, migraines are far more than a headache. They…

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person standing on scale with tape measure in front

The 8 Best Weight Loss Supplements to Combat the Quarantine 15

By Adam Chauncey, CHC / January 20, 2022 /

Now is the time for the Best Weight Loss Supplements. What a tumultuous journey we’ve faced these past two years. We’ve seen lockdowns, quarantines, food shortages, stress, job losses, child care crises, gym closures…even park closures (insert eye roll)… Many of us struggle to find our footing on our healthy lifestyle journey. States pursue some…

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man with low testosterone

Low Testosterone: How To Balance Naturally

By Chris Wilson / October 12, 2021 /

Testosterone is an important androgen hormone for men. Low testosterone in men is associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, less ability to build muscle and hypertension. All hormones are chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream and act on various target tissues enabling them to function correctly (1, 2). It’s said that men lose 1.5% of…

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detoxify juice

Detoxify Yourself!

By Chris Wilson / September 30, 2021 /

What if you eat the “perfect diet,” exercise regularly and yet struggle with fatigue and losing weight? Brain fog, despite practicing good habits? Slow elimination, body odor, unhealthy skin color, etc.? Truth is, you are not alone. You are among a growing number of people suffering from a metabolic condition referred to as weight-loss resistance…

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