Honest, reliable information is a crucial component for anyone desiring optimal health in today’s confusing times. Nutrition World’s goal will always be to weed through the jungle of nutrition confusion and distill down the accurate information for you.


A healthy gut – how to make your intestines well with a little bacteria

By Amanda Ballard / March 10, 2021 / Comments Off on A healthy gut – how to make your intestines well with a little bacteria

In the not too distant past, the popular belief was that the gut was a simple tube used for digestion and excretion. Of course this is a primary function of the gut, but current research has shown that it’s far more complex than we first thought. To keep things happy we need to feed our gut the right things. Fermented foods are the easiest way to this, but if that’s not your taste, we have an affordable supplement solution to keep your gut happy!

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elderberry plant in the wild

Simple Elderberry Supplement Combo – the Boost Your Immune System Needs

By Amanda Ballard / February 17, 2021 /

A Daily elderberry supplement…do we need it? We talk about boosting our immune system every single day. Most people are probably tired of hearing it. Everyone is talking about optimizing their immune systems. But this topic is still as relevant as ever. Your immune system is working 24/7. And whether there’s a pandemic or just…

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papaya fruit cut in half

All About Papaya Health Benefits

By Amanda Ballard / January 19, 2021 /

Not only is papaya a great tasting tropical fruit, it is filled with nutrients and has some incredible, and surprising, benefits to our health.    Let’s dive into what this fruit has to offer us.    Digestion   When people think about papaya for health benefits, it is most commonly thought of for digestion support.…

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Health Tip: Boost Immunity for Kids with Vitamins That Taste Great

By Amanda Ballard / August 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Health Tip: Boost Immunity for Kids with Vitamins That Taste Great

Keeping your kids well can often seem like an exercise in futility. Trying keep their hands clean or out of their mouth is an impossible task and the result is illness after illness. Thankfully, you can bolster your children’s immune system and help keep them well with great tasting, easy to take supplements designed specifically for them!

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bottle of solaray probiotics

Gut Health Test Results: How to Make Sure You Have a Healthy Gut

By Nutrition World / July 16, 2020 /

You’ve heard us talk about the importance of a healthy gut for a long time. And, we’re not the only ones talking about it. Research shows that many areas are linked to intestinal health. Depression. Anxiety. IBS. Energy levels. Immune function. And so many others. The human microbiome is so complex. And it interacts with…

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