The Best Amino Acids for Your Nutrition Plan

Amino Acid Molecules

Choosing the best amino acids to add to your diet often requires a little bit of research and guidance, but not to worry! We have all of the information you need to find the right options for your lifestyle and needs, including:  What are amino acids?  What are the benefits?  Is it better to take…

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Better Together: Vitamin D3 with K2 Could Save Your Life

Vitamin D3 with K2 protects heart health

You may have noticed that it’s becoming more common to see vitamin D3 with K2 instead of vitamin D on its own. But do you know why these two nutrients go together like peas and carrots? You probably already know that vitamin D is an important factor in calcium absorption.  A lesser known fact is…

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Let’s Get Real About Diabetes

man taking blood glucose

Are you ready to get real about diabetes? Ninety million people have type 2 diabetes in the US. The CDC estimates people diagnosed with diabetes incur $16,750 annually in medical expenses. Not to mention all the diseases and higher mortality caused by type 2 diabetes.  I’d love for us to get real about diabetes, and…

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How to Lubricate Stiff Joints With Natural Products

Lubricating Stiff Joints

Do you have stiff joints that sound like a bowl of fresh rice crispy treats and milk when doing nominal tasks throughout the day? Do you wish WD-40 came in “human grade”? And if you fall…can you get up?  If any of these questions come to mind on a semi-regular basis, you just might be…

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