Supplement Cardio Health with the Dynamic Duo of CoQ10 and Fish Oil

EKG results with healthy heart pin

CoQ10 and fish oil (or Omega-3s). Dynamic duo for your heart health? Supplementing Cardiovascular Health With CoQ10 and Fish Oil In the world of cardiovascular health, two nutrients have earned significant attention for their potential benefits: omega-3 fatty acids and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). These supplements have been extensively studied for their roles in supporting heart…

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Let’s Get Real About Diabetes

man taking blood glucose

Are you ready to get real about diabetes? Ninety million people have type 2 diabetes in the US. The CDC estimates people diagnosed with diabetes incur $16,750 annually in medical expenses. Not to mention all the diseases and higher mortality caused by type 2 diabetes.  I’d love for us to get real about diabetes, and…

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How to Lubricate Stiff Joints With Natural Products

Lubricating Stiff Joints

Do you have stiff joints that sound like a bowl of fresh rice crispy treats and milk when doing nominal tasks throughout the day? Do you wish WD-40 came in “human grade”? And if you fall…can you get up?  If any of these questions come to mind on a semi-regular basis, you just might be…

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Blood Chemistry for Weight Loss

blood chemistry results

What if we could get weight loss right as we age by optimizing our blood chemistry? If I had a dollar for every time I heard, “I’ve been eating so well, go to the gym 6 days a week, I’m addressing every component I can think of, and I have not lost a pound! AND…

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How Much Omega 3 Should you Take per day

omega 3 supplements on a table

How much Omega 3 for optimal health… I have witnessed profound effects of nutritional therapies on health over my 4 decades of life. Thus, I have cultivated a deep gratitude for the power to radically change our health for the positive if embraced wisely.   Research shows again and again, Omega 3s prove one of the…

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