Dog supplements are a key part of natural nutrition in your pet’s diet.
Don’t let your dog miss out! Join the growing number of pet parents who are “stacking the odds” in their pet’s favor with real food nutrition and naturally supportive dog supplements. After all, nutrition is the FOUNDATION of your pet’s health. With disease rates in dogs at epidemic levels, it’s time to take back the control of your dog’s bowl at mealtime. Let’s say good-bye to a lifetime of kibble (dry dog food pellets)!
The Importance of Natural Nutrition for Your Dog
Simply put, your dog’s diet should provide your dog with the natural nutrition their body needs to support vibrant health….without adding toxic burden. In other words, their body should be given what it needs to function optimally, without having to fight against bad ingredients in the bowl. Dogs need NATURAL nutrition so their body can easily absorb energy and nutrients to do its work. And, they need CLEAN nutrition that doesn’t add contaminants to give the body more work.
The Hidden Dangers of Kibble
Even if your kibble-fed dog “looks ok” on the outside, internal damage may not manifest in observable symptoms until “late in the game.” This is often seen with advancing age, after years of cellular damage from poor nutrition and toxins finally start to overwhelm the body. So, the best time to focus on preventative wellness with a foundation of clean nutrition is NOW (before diet-related illness arises). But, even if your dog’s health is already less than ideal, don’t lose hope- boosting nutrition naturally can be especially important to a body that is struggling.
Eye-Opening Statistics
Here’s some food for thought. Did you know that 1 in 3 dogs develop cancer- including at least 1 in 2 dogs over age 10? A high incidence of potentially life-threatening disease means the stakes are high. Remember, nutrition is the foundation of your dog’s overall health. With that being the case, has your dog food company PROVEN that they prioritize your dog’s health with natural, human-quality ingredients and a transparent focus on purity? Or do “feed-grade” ingredients, cheap, starchy fillers, high-heat processing, and lab-created vitamins suggest that profit could be a higher priority than your dog’s health?
Marketing vs. Reality
Advertisers may claim their dog food is healthy and colorful bags can show happy, healthy-looking dogs. But while marketing strategies aim to sell kibble and increase profits, is this at the expense of your dog’s health? Does your dog food company actually put their money where their mouth is? Eye-opening clues can be found on your dog food’s ingredient label. And, higher quality does often follow price. It’s true that pet parents might save money now…only to “pay later.”
You Are Your Dog’s Advocate
When it comes down to it, you are your dog’s advocate- the one in the driver’s seat who controls what goes into their bowl. That’s good news- you can feel empowered! The “authority” on your dog’s nutrition is YOU….not a kibble company’s marketing department, not even your vet (though a valued resource). After all, who will be left facing the consequences of what is fed over a lifetime? Pet parents and their dogs. Your dog can’t choose what makes them feel their best. But, you can choose for them!
The Problem with Kibble
One thing is clear: kibble has failed to produce an epidemic of good health in dogs. And, kibble isn’t the ancient nutrition that your dog was designed for. Instead, ultra-processed, starchy kibble pellets are similar to “fast food” or “junk food.” Consider the natural diet of your dog’s ancestors- wild dogs and wolves. Feeding dogs fresh food isn’t a new trend- dogs have eaten fresh food since the very beginning. After all, kibble has only been in existence for less than a hundred years. In fact, the birth of the kibble industry held hands with the “food waste” industry (using ingredients unfit for human consumption).
Returning to Fresh, Real Food
It’s time to return back to the basics of supporting the body with natural, fresh, real, species-appropriate nutrition. There are many easy, budget-friendly, positive changes you can make to boost your pup’s nutrition. For example:
- Can you ditch the kibble and switch completely to a fresh, real food commercial diet (whether raw or cooked)?
- What about switching to a homemade diet (using a natural dog food balancer)?
- Or, can you switch to an improved kibble and add dog-friendly real food from home as a topper?
- Could you upgrade to naturally clean treats without chemicals and additives? How about using fresh food as a treat?
- What about adding supportive dog supplements to the bowl?
Natural Nutrition & Dog Supplements Recommendations for 2025
Thankfully, there are many options to move in the right direction. Good health starts first with diet. Feeding ultra-processed dry, brown pellets every day of your dog’s life won’t help their cells any more than a similar diet would help yours! Next, once you have the foundation of nutrition right, adding gently supportive natural supplements can make a big difference. That being the case, let’s get a jump start with a few of our top supplement recommendations to encourage your pup’s health in 2025.
Read more about Real Dog Food Here.
Omega 3 Fish Oil as a dog supplement
Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely essential, but dogs must get them from their diet since they can’t produce them on their own. Omega 3 benefits include healthy skin & coat, brain, eye & heart health, inflammation support, & more! Unfortunately, kibble is typically very high in Omega 6 (which can promote inflammation) & low in Omega 3 (which may reduce inflammation). In addition, the oils in kibble can go rancid and oxidize. Instead, fresh wild-caught (purity-tested) fish oil, sardines, or phytoplankton can be great sources of Omega 3 fatty acids from whole-food sources.
Probiotics (& fermented foods which contain probiotics) are “good bacteria” to support a favorable environment in the gut. The health and diversity of beneficial gut microorganisms is crucial for overall health. Many things can compromise the bacterial balance in your dog’s gut (such as antibiotics, stress, glyphosate in kibble, processed foods full of carbohydrates, etc). A healthy gut is crucial for your dog’s digestion, immune system, brain chemicals, food absorption, skin health, & more.
Your dog might love the taste of greens! Dog-friendly greens can include broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, barley grass, kelp, spirulina, wheatgrass, and much more. Adding greens to your dog’s diet can encourage detoxification, support immunity, supply real vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants, and much more. One study even demonstrated greatly reduced risk of cancer in dogs receiving greens three times a week or more!
“Medicinal” Mushrooms
Your dog can receive powerful benefits from “medicinal” mushrooms (such as Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Chaga, and Cordyceps). These mushrooms support the health of the immune system, gut, brain, heart, liver, and much more.
Taking Action on Natural Nutrition & Dog Supplements
Gone are the days where pet parents blindly trust the marketing messages of big-name kibble manufacturers. Pet parents are returning to their dog’s roots for a species-appropriate diet and are loving the benefits they are seeing. What difference will natural “real food” nutrition and supplementation make for your dog?\
Here are some simple action steps to get started:
- Watch “PET FOOLED,” an eye-opening documentary free online (Amazon, YouTube)
- Check your dog food rating on the naturally-minded rating website (DOGFOODREVIEWS.COM)
- Try FREE SAMPLES from Nutrition World Pet Wellness. Let your dog taste-test and pick their favorite!
- Found a winner? Sign your dog up for our 60-day REAL FOOD CHALLENGE (Get a $10 credit 60-days after your new food purchase):
- Need guidance? Schedule a CONSULTATION today with Nutrition World’s pet nutrition specialist for individualized nutrition and supplementation recommendations! Book here today:
Disclaimer: Any information provided by Nutrition World Pet Wellness is for educational purposes only. Educational information is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or condition, and is not a substitute for the professional medical advice of a qualified Veterinarian. If you have medical concerns about your pet’s health, please consult your pet’s Veterinarian. (Holistic Vet Finder: