The Powerful Weight Loss Benefits of Tea

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tea-weight-lossOne of the most common health problems today is obesity. It has become difficult to keep a healthy diet since most of us are overexposed every day to cheap fast food chains and meals that just get bigger and bigger (and never healthier).

Trying to find solutions is now a priority for many people concerned about their weight. There is a list of unlimited products promising to help you lose weight or at least stop you from gaining more pounds. Today, we are going to talk about a completely natural way to melt fat.

Teas have been known to prevent dental decay, arthritis, strokes and cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. Given all of the amazing health, it should be no surprise that they can play a powerful role in supporting weight loss. There are different kinds of teas that offer different benefits depending on the way they are processed.

For example, according to the US National Library of Medicine and Natural Institutes of Health, Oolong (tea produced from the Camellia Sinensis plant, the same used for the production of green and black tea) has been studied for its effects on cardiovascular disease and obesity, and the results have been consistently beneficial.

An excellent supplement containing tea extracts is Oolong & Matcha Tea (an Irwin Naturals product). It combines four different varieties of tea, plus other key botanicals from traditional Chinese Medicine. The formula supplies a wide spectrum of phyto-nutrients to support overall health and well-being.

One of the most important components of the formula is EGCG, a potent extract of green tea and is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature. The combined EGCG content of the teas in combination with natural caffeine, while not literally “melting” fat off the body, has been shown to boost thermogenesis and burn calories.

If you really want to see optimum results while using a product, don’t forget to start a reduced calorie plan to help the product work more efficiently. Also, some physical activity will always be good for you. Starting an exercising routine will not only help you to lose weight faster, it will also give you a better physical condition.

Vernon Dasser

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