Top 3 Multivitamin Ingredients You Should Avoid for Better Health
Taking a multivitamin should be an essential part of everyone’s daily routine, but if you’re purchasing supplements somewhere other than a nutrition store there’s a high chance your multi’s might have ingredients that are less than desirable. On this week’s health tip, we want to equip you with a discerning eye so you can make the best purchase possible!
Ed Jones 00:05
89% of all Americans take vitamins and despite the lack of acceptance in the medical community of nutritional supplements until recent years, vitamins continue to grow more popular each decade. However, the old saying let the buyer beware still holds true. The safety record of nutritional supplements is remarkable, and they're far more regulated than what the media would have you believe. Over the decades of my experience, I've seen several instances where a product was removed very quickly due to any contamination or fraudulent labeling. Just because a nutritional supplement cannot be regulated in the same manner as a drug doesn't mean they should be subjected to fabricated information. The ingredients found in most vitamin supplements sold in nutrition stores is relatively safe, but the one sometimes in the big box stores and drugstores need to be examined with a critical eye before purchasing low quality ingredients the quit equate to little or no benefit and this should be a real concern to you. Our team here at Nutrition World works hard to ensure that every product we bring into the store is tested for purity, and that manufacturers provide us with full disclosure on every single ingredient in the product. So what should you look for when shopping for vitamins, there's a good bit to consider, but we want to focus on three ingredients that need to be avoided. If you happen to find any of the following ingredients in your product, it's likely the company isn't too concerned with producing quality supplements. First is talc. Yes, plain old fashioned talc powder. If you see talc, run from that product. talc has numerous health side effects that are negative on the organs of the body. The second worrisome ingredient is actually de l alpha tocopheryl which is synthetic vitamin E. DL- L is bad. In my opinion, there's zero excuse for utilizing low quality and probably worthless ingredient. And lastly, folic acid, due to an expanding research on a gene known as mthfr. It now appears that synthetic folic acid may be deleterious to the 50% of the population who carries this gene. Folic acid disrupts the inner workings of our body and can result in many health concerns including some emotional imbalances. These three ingredients are the canary in the coal mine to meet. Our health is far too valuable. So don't take any chances. Demand transparency, ethics and quality on all your nutritional supplements that you purchase. Thank you.