Stop Living With Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels are on a slow decline. Evidence is suggests that testosterone (T) levels decrease as we age, but also are decreasing in men year by year. A JCEM study in 2007 found that a 45 year old male has about 30% less testosterone than a 45 year old male in the 1980’s.

30% is no joke.

So what can we do? Conventional medicine might recommend T replacement therapy, but we really consider that a last resort. We have a natural T booster from LifeSeasons that you’ll be able to feel and see the difference when your blood work comes back!

Ed Jones  00:00

If you're a man over the age of 40, and haven't already done so, it's probably a great idea to get your testosterone levels checked. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that acts as a steroid. What that means is it's a chemical messenger that carries signals throughout the body. It has many different roles, including muscle growth, hair growth, sex, drive, fat distribution, bone density, and even influence your mood. It's most plentiful in early adulthood. But at the age of 35 to 40, it begins to decrease and ultimately leading to andropause, the male equivalent of menopause in women. You know, one reason that we have had lowering testosterone levels as the decades go on from the 1970s is because there's so many estrogen producing products in our environment, one of which is bottled water. Others are chemicals that act as fake estrogens, which can be pharmaceutical, they can be a lot of the chemical preservatives in food. And we know that we're witnessing a lot of decreased sperm counts. And certainly the kind of energies that men have today are really sometimes don't compared to those of the early 80s 70s and 60s and before and it is concerning. And I think that we're doing it to ourselves, there's no doubt but the great answer to this is, we become educated. We know how to address these issues, and we can get back on our game with natural methods to optimize these testosterone levels. If you think your testosterone levels are low, blood testing is the best and only way to make sure signs of low T include decreased sex drive, decreased energy, mood and cognitive changes, weight gain, increased abdominal fat, loss of muscle strength and bone mass, decreased body hair, and changes to the skin. While this outlook may seem a little grim, there are ways to help boost your testosterone levels naturally and one of our favorite products is Masculini-T by Lifeseasons. Masculini-T has five key ingredients to help boost your testosterone, tribulus, long jack, mara puama, maca and fenugreek seed extract and each of these botanicals was specifically selected to help your body make more testosterone naturally, help your body adapt to the stress, increased blood flow and even give you a boost in the gym. I checked my testosterone levels on a regular basis. And mine can fluctuate modestly. I am fortunate to have relatively higher levels. Part of that is because I believe in intermittent fasting, I take all the nutrients. The bigger one is I'm finally getting more sleep. Sleep really helps to assist in the testosterone production. But when I speak to people, and I have the need to advise them on what they could possibly consider. I tell them that this product by Lifeseasons has about 13 ingredients. And we have seen people who have done this and then come before and after and get blood test. There's no doubt that it will, at least modestly and sometimes sometimes far more than modestly raise those levels. Of course anyone with medical conditions wants to check with their doctor before doing that because there are a few conditions you wouldn't want to raise testosterone levels. I really trust LifeSeasons. They have wonderful quality and formulators and I just know that it works. I hope this has given you plenty of information on testosterone levels and what to do about them. Remember, Nutrition World is your partner on your journey to health. So take this opportunity to test this product out. Give it a good run and almost guarantee you will feel the difference and you certainly will probably see it if you get lab work done. Thank you.