Can CBD Relieve Chronic Discomfort?
Even though you can find it nearly everywhere, it’s really important to know what you’re getting into before trying a CBD supplement. Growing conditions, contaminants, processing, constituent profiles, and third party testing are all an important part of choosing a safe and effective product. It functions on something called the endocannabinoid system and more research is emerging everyday about the benefits CBD may provide.
But one of the most frequently asked questions we field about CBD is in regard to physical discomfort. It’s important to know that CBD is most effective for CHRONIC discomfort, not acute. While it can be used for both, where it really shines is in preventative measures and long-term issues. This week we dive into all things CBD and break down exactly how it may benefit you.
Brian Strickland 0:06
Hey everyone, welcome back to Nutrition Made Simple a video series that we created that takes a look at natural health topics and then we break them down into easy to understand and actionable steps. And I'm joined again today by Ed Jones. He's the founder and owner of Nutrition World. And for the month of June, we're actually looking at pain stress in the conjunction between them and some natural relief or natural products that can provide relief. And today we're actually taking a look at CBD, which is one of the biggest names in the supplement industry right now and, and really just everywhere, because it has popped up and is a staple in many places. So we want to take a look at some of the products that we carry, how to pick a quality CBD product, which is paramount if you're going to take one to get the effective results that you need, and how it actually affects pain. And if it's an effective strategy for pain relief. So we've got a lot of ground to cover today. Let's go ahead and get started. So first, before we cover anything else, let's let's chat about how to pick a quality CBD product and one that's actually safe to take.
Ed Jones 1:18
Thank you, Brian. And that is a difficult question to answer completely, because there's a lot of components to what makes a quality CBD. And I won't get into it this moment. But there's cannabinoids and terpenes and the soil it's grown on, the processing. Many things can go wrong in the A to Z process of making a quality CBD. And to be honest with people I know many of you probably listening have said to themselves, I've tried CBD and it just didn't do anything for me. Listen, I have to repeat this, which I do every day, the devil is in the details with CBD. We have to know the brand, the proper way to consume it, what to expect. And I will say that at least 50% of all individuals who do it correctly are very pleased with the results. But again, we're here to help you to make those wise decisions in order to find a quality CBD. One is I think you need to find a quality qualified person who you trust that has done the homework, it takes homework, because you can't just look at a box and completely say, I think this is high quality. Because there's a lot of components with like if it's grown on soil with chemicals, it may have chemicals in it, if it has the wrong processing along the way, it could have destroyed part of it. So we demand at Nutrition World that I or my people speak to the inventor, the lab, the processing plant in order to come up and vet only the best quality products. And that has to do with our homework. So part of it is finding the right person. Secondly, I am a huge fan of not using something called isolated CBD. What that means is and what we do is we focus on full spectrum. If you think about cooking vegetable soup, and you I invited you to my house, and I said we're gonna have vegetable soup tonight. And you came in and I've served you a bowl that had nothing but carrots in it, that's all it was in it, you know what is still vegetable soup. I can call it that. And, and I wouldn't be lying. But we can see that it doesn't really do much for us because it's an isolated one vegetable. That can be well how it works with CBD because what they're doing is only picking some parts to the piece of this CBD family in order to produce cheaper CBD. That's number one. And so we want this full flavor of and we call it an entourage effect. It's where everything works together for the better good of results. And so finding somebody says full spectrum, finding the right place to buy it, and also even looking into the company and demanding some transparency as far as lab testing for purity. Those are the three biggest steps.
Brian Strickland 4:18
Yeah, absolutely. So one of the big topics when it comes to CBD is THC, which is always a concern for people when they're coming in. Maybe you've not taken it before. But that's one of the biggest questions we get asked all the time. Is there a danger of getting a product that has THC in it and what are the implications of taking CBD if you're drug testing?
Ed Jones 4:43
Well, I'll be honest, Brian, there's been a few heartbreak stories over the past I guess two and a half three years that we have carried and offered CBD. We strive to be the most ethical people we possibly can. We've had signs posted if you are being too at your workplace for THC, we do not recommend you purchasing CBD regardless of what the label says. And I still fairly hold true to that. Now, that's one thing, again, isolated versions can probably be THC free. But again, they don't offer the benefit. Full spectrum because it hasn't been manipulated could have small amounts. It is under the legal limit. It's really not affecting how you feel unless you use very large amounts of CBD. But if you're being tested on a regular basis, we have other alternatives for the subject of discomfort level that we need to talk about rather than CBD.
Brian Strickland 5:40
Yeah, absolutely. So to be sold legally, like you mentioned, CBD products have to be below a specific amount of THC in the product. Everything that we carry is going to be under that amount. But there is still that fact that there's a trace amount that can show up on a drug test. So it's important to understand that before you take any kind of CBD product. So on the subject of discomfort, we we understand that people come in looking at CBD for that specific fact. How does CBD affect people's discomfort or pain? And is it an effective source or resource for that?
Ed Jones 6:22
I put it in the category of a definite consideration when you have chronic discomfort levels. And again, this is not like going to the drugstore and buying an over the counter pain reliever. Most times, if you have a headache and you take two or whatever is recommended on a bottle of a drug within one to two hours, you will feel effects. That isn't quite how it can work with CBD. It can at times, but generally, it's going to have to be a regular use of it. So we deal with more chronic discomfort than we do acute pain. I have used it for acute pain before. But it takes very large amounts. And what happens with large amounts is you get sleepy and you get lazy. And if you're at work that's not very pleasant. Now at night it's beneficial. But you have to use it the way that I'll talk about in order to get results. And that's not with a single dose in most cases. I mean the brand, this one particular brand here they used to talk verbally that it was they call it an aspirin in the bottle. I didn't really like that because it gave the connotation of quick results. And again, I don't think you should sign on for that I think you should sign on for it being more of a long term, multiple dosing a day type of product.
Brian Strickland 7:38
Now as far as the pathway that it may work on, you know, CBD is working on the endocannabinoid system, which is a new term, a relatively new term that more research is coming out concerning that, but it really fights inflammation, right?
Ed Jones 7:56
It does, but it fights in kind of an unusual way. What is the endocannabinoid system is actually we have receptor sites and receptor sites are like a lock and key mechanism. where you come in your house at night, you take your key and you stick it in, you turn it and something opens. Well, we have all these locks within us and we have 10s of 1000s of Endocannabinoid locks. And CBD happens to be the key. Well, we have most of these probably 80% is in the brain. Well, actually, and you know, you and I did a video not long ago about pain. And we and I explained that pain actually, even though it may be originating in a body part, the signal is all in the brain. If we didn't have a brain, we wouldn't have pain, or if it was, it was totally asleep, we would not feel anything. So these endocannabinoids are and I use the analogy I've never heard anyone else say, but they direct the body to do certain processes, many different ones. It's like an air traffic controller in a busy airport. And they are telling and advising all of these planes and even the trucks on the ground to go a certain way stop when they need to and and get to point a from point B to point C, and that's how endocannabinoids endocannabinoids work. So they're telling the body to find a homeostasis or balance within itself. So when you have a lot of pain, you have a lot of imbalances and CBD can help bring that back in. It does it and those kind of messages help create less inflammation because that's kind of a out of harmony system that's going on. So CBD brings harmony back into the system. When we have a harmonious system. We are going to feel a very good sense of well being we're going to feel less discomfort we're going to feel the way that we tend to be designed to feel when we were younger, and we've gotten really out of whack with just how we live and father time so I'm a huge fan of CBD for prevention and health, but used for discomfort. It does Have a place research is showing a lot of that which I can talk a little bit more about.
Brian Strickland 10:05
Sure. And there are several different delivery methods in your experience is internal, external or I mean topical, for discomfort, which would you prefer?
Ed Jones 10:16
I always prefer most things being internal, because that's where the mechanism of action is strongest. That's where the body regulates and offers different opportunities to change. Now have I used CBD externally? Yes, I have I have had back when I was jumping a lot of rope I had Achilles tendon it was flared up, I would put it on and it would take it would definitely take the edge off. But you know, it's like the same you compare taking three aspirin to two been gay. I mean, it's just yes, those other external creams are helpful. And I would add it on to the internal I'm if you have chronic discomfort, it's really about internal decisions and putting the product in internally rather than expecting something to be rubbed on. I mean, I've had some hip things going on due to whatever reasons the gym or tendinitis, the crane does not do anything for me, the oils seem to definitely take the edge off, not always, but if I do it right, I can feel the effects positive.
Brian Strickland 11:20
Okay. And lastly, let's chat about side effects. Anything besides the THC that people should be concerned about?
Ed Jones 11:29
Well, one concern is if you are super sensitive, then you need to be cautious because it can make you very lethargic and sleepy if you do too much too soon. And I talk about this in regard to dosing, we need to find the sweet spot is what we call it with everyone, you might as well forget thinking you're going to read a label and it's going to apply to every single person, it won't we have to individualize the dose of CBD, I have people who can do three drops, twice a day. And, and it's they feel it's amazing. three drops is I mean, I would laugh at that, I would even take the effort to put that in my mouth, I have to use a full eyedropper four times a day. And that's the thing about dosing the the life of CBD in the body effective lives only about six hours. So if you do it one time a day, you're you're simply not going to turn that lock and key mechanism at the point that you want. And, and, and so I, you know, I would be just all about using it internally and using it the right time and finding the sweet spot. And the sweet spot is you start slow, you continue to change it every two to three days, until you get to a point of desired results. But you asked about side effects. Here's one of the one of the interviewers that I did on my podcast, and it was really talking about that we're learning all the time, it doesn't mean that we have the answers. And we're certainly not presenting this as a medical treatment for anything we know legally, that that is not what we're supposed to do. We're not doing it. But I want to inform people and so there is a system in the liver called a P450. And this system is what regulates how chemicals are processed. If you're taking a drug that says do not take this drug, if you're drinking grapefruit juice, right, do not do CBD, if you're doing that drug, because they go through the same P450 mechanism. That doesn't mean that that is all the side effects of drugs. And again, check with your health care professional and find one who knows or at least knows how to look into this before you do it. If you are on strong drugs, a little bit of nausea occasionally and people but generally it's well tolerated by most individuals.
Brian Strickland 13:49
Yeah, absolutely. And obviously, we have a wide assortment of CBD products because we believe in them. They are effective, they do work. But of course, if you have any questions or concerns, it's always best to talk to your doctor. And then you can come and talk to us to learn more about it if that's what you want to do. We carry capsules, gummies liquids, which is really what we prefer most of the time for people but we we do have an assortment of topical creams and stuff as well. So a large selection for you to choose from any last words on CBD?
Ed Jones 14:24
I really feel it, you know, blessed that we can add this to the toolbox of holistic natural options for people now, because you know, pharmaceutical drugs save lives, but they also cost lives and it costs quality of, of of life many times because they're overused. And I think anyone who understands the risk against benefit ratio of pharmaceuticals long term, we'll be looking for different options that are far safer, not only a CBD, when I say safe, far safer than most drugs that have I mean, it's totally but in most cases it is. But it offers prevention, because these receptor sites have Endocannabinoid when they're not functioning. That would be like taking the air traffic controller and cutting the staff down by 70% is still operating, but it's doing a very poor job of it. And when we put all of those air traffic controllers back, which is endocannabinoids, you can see the difference that it can make in the body. And doing that does not require a large dosing. Doing that preventatively could be the three to five drop dose, at least twice a day, I'd like to shoot for three or four times and when you have issues, but they're going into late twice a day, small amounts, quality brands, living in under your tongue about 15 seconds for absorption, swallow some warm water or hot because cold won't wash it down. And and just observe what happens. And there are so much literature now on this. And again, most people who say they didn't get results did two things. They bought a poor quality product, and they didn't take it correctly or long enough. And with those two fixed, I think it's something we all should add to the toolbox of our health and our future, especially as we age.
Brian Strickland 16:11
Yeah, absolutely. Hey, thank you so much for watching this week. Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. You can ask questions here on the YouTube channel, social media, call us come visit us in store. We're always happy to help in any way that we can. And if you could do a solid and like and subscribe on this video that helps us out a lot and we always appreciate it. Thanks everyone. That's it for this week, and we'll see you next time.
Ed Jones 16:34
Thank you.