Consultor en español / Certified Health Coach

Nilly Cintron

Nilly’s presence cannot be missed in the store. Her bright personality shines through as she helps customers with their wellness needs.

In addition to being in the banking world for many years, among other things, my focus as of late has been health and wellbeing. My nickname is “Nilly”, and this fits my personality, as I am friendly, loving, and fun. I was born in Puerto Rico into a large family. I moved to Florida at a young age and lived there for 25 years. My son, Jesse, and I came to Tennessee in 2003. Several of my family members had suffered from health problems, so I decided to be proactive and concentrate on taking the best possible care of myself. That is why I was elated when I got the job at Nutrition World, where I could continue my studies and help to educate others, using my bilingual abilities to get the word out to the Hispanic community. I have worked at Nutrition World since 2013. I have been taking supplements for over 8 years and I have improved my health dramatically.

I love continually learning through all of the training on holistic health that Nutrition World offers as well as many other valuable resources. My goal is to learn as much as I can so I can help my customers, friends, and family as much as I can. I feel very blessed to be part of this great team. In the past I have received numerous awards for excellence in customer service from large corporations such as Cellular One, Washington Mutual, and Modcomp. I like to help people with their finances, but even more with their health, so they can live a better life. Life can be hard, but if we stay positive and healthy we can manage almost anything!